What Did Obama Know & When Did He Know It?

This is a summary of a Hannity segment I came across in a blog I know nothing about – and honestly, looks a little weird – but it’s an accurate representation of what was said, and what was said is important – despite Hannity’s involvement 😉

The first guest, Sara Carter of Circa keeps showing up in my reading on this whole Trump/Obama Spygate affair and she seems to have some good sources or instincts or both.

The other guest, attorney Jay Sekulow, has been a great champion for those targeted and abused by the Obama regime. I’ve seen him speak & testify many times and he’s a bulldog.

As for Hannity… well… he’s not the brightest bulb and even if he were, he’s so far up Trump’s butt you’d never see the light, but Sara & Jay carry the segment anyway, so, enjoy.

Sara Carter and Jay Sekulow joined Sean Hannity as the anticipation for “smoking gun” revelations proving that Obama spied on President Trump mounts. Hannity notes that every day, everything Carter said is coming true. He asks her what she thinks about what Devin Nunes has said and also about a James Rosen article just posted.

She predicts it’s not going to be  “just one little piece of evidence but an accumulation of evidence that’s going to expose what’s been going on” with the Obama regime spying on citizens. She recognizes that after the information is delivered to chairman Nunes [Friday March 24, 2017] we’ll be much better informed. She notes the expansion by Obama of the intelligence sharing under executive order 12333, wondering why and what changed.

She asks, “If it was legal to collect all of this evidence, not the unmasking of all of these names, but if this was collected legally, was there something else that happened before this that we’re not aware of yet?” She felt Chairman Nunes was dancing around that question a little bit in his earlier interview with Hannity.

Sekulow talks about the statement by Chairman Nunes that some of this information was obtained prior to the expansion of executive order 12333 and that the implication is that this information could have been disclosed without any “perceived or claimed” legitimacy under that illegitimate executive order.

Sekulow says, “You know what I think we’ve got here Sean? I think we’ve got a Constitutional crisis of James Comey’s making. So this is a Constitutional crisis from Comey and Comey was an administration official also under ‘president’ Obama. And this idea that ‘president’ Obama did not order it does not answer the question of was the Obama administration responsible for this because the fact is, and this is clear, they were the administration in power.”

Carter thinks it goes past Comey to the highest levels of the Obama regime. “We need to find out who unmasked these names,” she says, “and it wasn’t just Director Comey. There were other people who had access to this and the NSA can unmask these names. So who requested that? That’s one of the most important, important questions here Sean, and why. And I think once those questions start to get answered, just like Chairman Nunes said, then we’ll know, was there political espionage? And if there was, Sean, this is the greatest civil liberties violations that we have seen in our country in a long time.”

Sekulow recommends subpoenaing Obama directly, compeling him to answer the questions directly. “You want to find out what he knew and when he knew it? Ask him, especially if this was not anything outside the scope of legitimacy. So if this was ‘a legal surveillance,’ but they unmasked this information, ask the ‘president’ directly.”

He also believes that Attorney General Sessions should impanel a grand jury. He added, “Number two, for the Chairman of the Intelligence Committee, he needs to get the background data, because what he saw in those reports shocked him, obviously. Not just because it named President Trump potentially and his associates, but also the nature of the dissemination itself. And that dissemination, that unmasking can well be a crime, so they need to get the background data.”

Once again he stresses that President Trump can get the information they need to pursue this. He needs to get it “and Jeff Sessions needs to be working on it tonight.”

Hannity adds that James Comey now needs to come clean with the American people and tell us what he knows.” That is an area where Comey might opt to plead the 5th, Sean, like so many Democrats eventually find themselves doing. His conduct over the past year or so indicates that is a very strong possibility, once his Teflon of “an ongoing investigation” is removed.

*I made some extremely minor corrections to the text/punctuation for ease of reading.

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