July 14, 2015. A VERY Bad Day.

In no particular order, here’s why Tuesday, July 14, 2015 was a particularly bad day in America… and really, the world.

1. OBAMA FORCES CONTRACEPTION ON NUNS Obama Admin tells nuns – Yes,Little Sisters of the Poor NUNS – they must facilitate the purchase of birth control.  (And as a bonus: these are nuns who minister to the poor – in hospice.  HOSPICE, okay?  Not a lot of nookie goin’ on in their daily ministry.  And their name?  Even their name should elicit gentleness and compassion in anyone with a conscience:  Little Sisters of the Poor.)

Little Sisters of the Poor2

I don’t even know how to comment on this story without crying.  Honestly.  And I’m a fallen woman.  An EX-Catholic, with no particular “brand” of faith to call my own.  So I’m no reflexive Catholic apologist.  But I’m not without wit.  I’m sentient.  I can read.  I know what our Founding was all about, what it means, why it means what it means… etc., etc., and this is just flabbergasting.

FURTHER READING:  If you’d like to so some reading on how this could happen in America, of all places, let me heartily recommend a brilliant America Thinker piece, U.S. Has Established a State Religion: What Now for Christians?, which echoes my thoughts beautifully.  It delineates how the federal government’s establishment of non-religion has become the functional equivalent of the federal government’s religion… which is sorta the opposite of the whole point of our country…

2.  BABY BODY PARTS FOR SALE (Taxpayer supported) Planned Parenthood is selling body parts… and evidently has no problem discussing the best way, during a late-term abortion, to crush-this-without-crushing-that, while keeping the profitable organs intact, and going over the minute details of this unimaginably evil practice while sipping wine over lunch at a restaurant.

I mean… What… What can you even say to that?

MEDIA MALPRACTICE: Meanwhile, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, The New York Times, and The Washington Post etc. is shoving a microphone in front of every single GOP Presidential candidate demanding they condemn Donald Trump over his remarks on the Mexican border (which were impolitic but substantially true) or be regarded as endorsing them, but not a single one of them has asked Hillary Clinton (or any other Democrat, candidate or not) if she stands with Planned Parenthood, will condemn thisSanger on weeds ghoulish practice, return the many thousands of dollars in campaign donations they’ve given her, awards they’ve given her, or be regarded as endorsing them.

It’s good to be a Democrat.

Margaret_Sanger-KKKFURTHER READING: If you’d like some further reading on the long, long ties between Planned Parenthood and the Democratic Party, here’s just one blog post I found on HRC’s, Obama’s, and Democratic support in general for PP. If you are unaware of the hideous genesis of Planned Parenthood, and you might well be since it’s been buried so well, Margaret Sanger founded it back in the Progressive Era.  She was a virulent racist, eugenicist, and spoke openly about how the purpose of “planned parenthood” wasmargaret-sanger-quote-about-negro-population the pulling of “weeds” from the population, i.e., ‘undesirables’… like blacks…

Again… If people only knew the truth of progressivism, how cold and calculating it was and remains (clearly!), there’s just no possible way you could embrace it.  And please don’t misunderstand:  it’s not that I am for a return to back-alley abortions.  I’m not.  That genie is out of the bottle.  But I do believe that third-trimester abortion should be severely restricted.  I mean… Good grief.  If you don’t know if you want to go through with a pregnancy until you’re 8 1/2 months along… the decision had been made for you, toots.  That baby is coming.  If you don’t want it, give it up for adoption.  

3.  NUKES FOR MULLAHS The capitulation was finally complete this morning in Vienna.  We have a deal.  With Iran.  This piece at American Thinker pretty well sums up my feelings on the matter.  In short?  Obama just launched a Middle-East NUCLEAR arms race, and I don’t have a lot of confidence these medieval-mahdi-seeking-mullahs will exercise self-control.  If it’s not Israel’s death-warrant, it’s surely somebody’s… maybe a lot of somebodys…

And just for kicks, consider:  This President has gone out of his way, orchestrated a massive global effort, to see to it that Iran gets nukes, while simultaneously launching an equally aggressive domestic effort to see to it that his fellow Americans can’t have a lawful gun.  Got that?  Mullas and nukes = GOOD.  Fellow Americans and Second Amendment = BAD.

I guess you’d have to be a progressive to appreciate (or divine) any nuance in that.

FURTHER READING:  Mark Levin’s take on this (the Iran deal) is perfect.  Highly recommend listening to his 07/14/2015 podcast in full (It’s his entire 3 hour show – less than 2 hours because all the commercials are chopped out – and it’s free, every day), or you can read excerpts here.

So that’s July 14, 2015 in America.

And we’ve got 555 days more of this to go.

If we make it that far.

Proof Please?

This was published in The Washington Post back on September 10, 2011, but I just came across it this morning.  It’s yet another in a long line of mainstream media hit pieces on the Tea Party which offer zero, zip, nada evidence to support their disgusting, slanderous assertions.

“…those who support the tea party movement show higher levels of racial resentment than do non-supporters…”

What a load of twaddle.

Try this little thought experiment if you doubt me:

If I ask you to recall the image of the second plane crashing into the World Trade Center you can do that even before you finish reading this sentence, right?

Okay… Recall an image of Tea Party racism. QUICK.

Don’t you think if they had it, they’d be running it 24/7 on MSNBC? In this age of cell phone cameras, you mean to tell me there’s not one video clip, not one still image of a Tea Party member holding a sign, yelling the “n” word, doing something racist? Really?

You may find some fool that showed up who is not Tea Party, but even that isn’t being looped 24/7.

They got nothin’.
