100% of +$100k *Still* Not Enough

Via the always wonderful American Thinker, hard math on what it would take to fund Obama’s collectivist utopia “How Much Taxation Would Fund Current Spending?

“The data indicate that 17,446,537 tax returns showed an income over $100,000. These returns represented a total income of $3.765 trillion. Estimated 2012 spending comes in at $3.796 trillion…”

Of course, this assumes 0 change in human behavior… as all collectivist fantasies do.

It’s a must read.


Charity at Gunpoint

 If Obama is so concerned about wealth distribution, why doesn’t he fight for a 200% tax deduction for all charitable giving? 

It’s so frickin’ obvious & sensible it’s inexplicable – unless you are the Sociopathic-Narcissist-in-Chief who want to control everything.

Look, does Obama have the first damned clue what the real needs are in your town? Of course not.  People in Washington D.C. don’t step over the homeless or drive by the food pantry, or see the long line outside the Unemployment office in your town – you do.  

America is great because America is good.  The American people are the most generous people ever assembled under one flag in the history of human-kind, and are usually the first to offer that help.  Remember the 9/11 families?  The millions and millions of dollars raised to help those widows & widowers & their children?  That’s not a check for some tsunami in a far-off land.  That’s home. and just one, emblematic example.

The only way Obama’s ideas make sense is if you are operating on the assumption that the American people – those with means, anyway (‘fat cats’) – are not good.  WIll not give.  And are too witless to know where to give without Big Government telling them – cuz Big Government has such a long, sterling reputation for being efficient with the people’s money…

Uh – huh.

Charity is that which is freely given.  Taxation is charity at gunpoint: ‘Do  it or we will jail you.’  The local women’s shelter does not have that power.  The charity in your town will not – cannot – deprive you of your liberty if you do not give to them, but Big Government can.