180 Degrees Out of Phase

As usual with this crew, projection is the order of the day.


Over and over and over again Obama has accused Republicans of putting politics before country; putting ideology over what’s good for America.


Excuse me, but what the hell is Obama doing right now except that? On steroids?  He’s threatening the constituencies he professes to love, including “the least among us” with abandonment, starvation, and death if the Republicans don’t cough up a top 2% tax hike… which will pay for exactly 8 days of federal spending.


Uh… Mr. President. If the pinhead we’re dancing on is that tiny, your margin of error lay not within the vagaries of Hill politics.  It lay on the floor of the barn, lost in ammonia scented hay, and the barn-door has long been left yawning open.


100% of +$100k *Still* Not Enough

Via the always wonderful American Thinker, hard math on what it would take to fund Obama’s collectivist utopia “How Much Taxation Would Fund Current Spending?

“The data indicate that 17,446,537 tax returns showed an income over $100,000. These returns represented a total income of $3.765 trillion. Estimated 2012 spending comes in at $3.796 trillion…”

Of course, this assumes 0 change in human behavior… as all collectivist fantasies do.

It’s a must read.