On USA & Slavery? BE PROUD, America!

Came upon this 2007 piece quite by accident this morning and it’s so important I decided to repost it here. Read it in its entirety to disabuse yourself of everything you ever learned in public school about America and slavery. We have a lot to be proud of. A LOT.

September 26, 2007 via Townhall.com
Six Inconvenient Truths About the U.S. and Slavery by Michael Medved

Those who want to discredit the United States and to deny our role as history’s most powerful and pre-eminent force for freedom, goodness and human dignity invariably focus on America’s bloody past as a slave-holding nation. Along with the displacement and mistreatment of Native Americans, the enslavement of literally millions of Africans counts as one of our two founding crimes—and an obvious rebuttal to any claims that this Republic truly represents “the land of the free and the home of the brave.” According to America-bashers at home and abroad, open-minded students of our history ought to feel more guilt than pride, and strive for “reparations” or other restitution to overcome the nation’s uniquely cruel, racist and rapacious legacy.

Unfortunately, the current mania for exaggerating America’s culpability for the horrors of slavery bears no more connection to reality than the old, discredited tendency to deny that the U.S. bore any blame at all. No, it’s not true that the “peculiar institution” featured kind-hearted, paternalistic masters and happy, dancing field-hands, any more than it’s true that America displayed unparalleled barbarity or enjoyed disproportionate benefit from kidnapping and exploiting innocent Africans.

An honest and balanced understanding of the position of slavery in the American experience requires a serious attempt to place the institution in historical context and to clear-away some of the common myths and distortions.


At the time of the founding of the Republic in 1776, slavery existed literally everywhere on earth and had been an accepted aspect of human history from the very beginning of organized societies. Current thinking suggests that human beings took a crucial leap toward civilization about 10,000 years ago with the submission, training and domestication of important animal species (cows, sheep, swine, goats, chickens, horses and so forth) and, at the same time, began the “domestication,” bestialization and ownership of fellow human beings captured as prisoners in primitive wars. In ancient Greece, the great philosopher Aristotle described the ox as “the poor man’s slave” while Xenophon likened the teaching of slaves “to the training of wild animals.” Aristotle further opined that “it is clear that there are certain people who are free and certain who are slaves by nature, and it is both to their advantage, and just, for them to be slaves.” The Romans seized so many captives from Eastern Europe that the terms “Slav” and “slave” bore the same origins.

All the great cultures of the ancient world, from Egypt to Babylonia, Athens to Rome, Persia to India to China, depended upon the brutal enslavement of the masses – often representing heavy majorities of the population. Contrary to the glamorization of aboriginal New World cultures, the Mayas, Aztecs and Incas counted among the most brutal slave-masters of them all — not only turning the members of other tribes into harshly abused beasts of burden but also using these conquered enemies to feed a limitless lust for human sacrifice.

The Tupinamba, a powerful tribe on the coast of Brazil south of the Amazon, took huge numbers of captives, then humiliated them for months or years, before engaging in mass slaughter of their victims in ritualized cannibalistic feasts. In Africa, slavery also represented a timeless norm long before any intrusion by Europeans. Moreover, the Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch or British slave traders rarely penetrated far beyond the coasts: the actual capture and kidnapping of the millions of victims always occurred at the hands of neighboring tribes. As the great African-American historian Nathan Huggins pointed out, “virtually all of the enslavement of Africans was carried out by other Africans” but the concept of an African “race” was the invention of Western colonists, and most African traders “saw themselves as selling people other than their own.”

In the final analysis, Yale historian David Brion Davis in his definitive 2006 history “Inhuman Bondage: The Rise and Fall of Slavery in the New World” notes that “colonial North America…surprisingly received only 5 to 6 percent of the African slaves shipped across the Atlantic.” Meanwhile, the Arab slave trade (primarily from East Africa) lasted longer and enslaved more human beings than the European slavers working the other side of the continent. According to the best estimates, Islamic societies shipped between 12 and 17 million African slaves out of their homes in the course of a thousand years; the best estimate for the number of Africans enslaved by Europeans amounts to 11 million.

In other words, when taking the prodigious and unspeakably cruel Islamic enslavements into the equation, at least 97% of all African men, women and children who were kidnapped, sold, and taken from their homes, were sent somewhere other than the British colonies of North America. In this context there is no historical basis to claim that the United States bears primary, or even prominent guilt for the depredations of centuries of African slavery.


The Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution put a formal end to the institution of slavery 89 years after the birth of the Republic; 142 years have passed since this welcome emancipation. Moreover, the importation of slaves came to an end in 1808 (as provided by the Constitution), a mere 32 years after independence, and slavery had been outlawed in most states decades before the Civil War. Even in the South, more than 80% of the white population never owned slaves. Given the fact that the majority of today’s non-black Americans descend from immigrants who arrived in this country after the War Between the States, only a tiny percentage of today’s white citizens – perhaps as few as 5% — bear any authentic sort of generational guilt for the exploitation of slave labor. Of course, a hundred years of Jim Crow laws, economic oppression and indefensible discrimination followed the theoretical emancipation of the slaves, but those harsh realities raise different issues from those connected to the long-ago history of bondage.


Historians agree that hundreds of thousands, and probably millions of slaves perished over the course of 300 years during the rigors of the “Middle Passage” across the Atlantic Ocean. Estimates remain inevitably imprecise, but range as high as one third of the slave “cargo” who perished from disease or overcrowding during transport from Africa. Perhaps the most horrifying aspect of these voyages involves the fact that no slave traders wanted to see this level of deadly suffering: they benefited only from delivering (and selling) live slaves, not from tossing corpses into the ocean. By definition, the crime of genocide requires the deliberate slaughter of a specific group of people; slavers invariably preferred oppressing and exploiting live Africans rather than murdering them en masse. Here, the popular, facile comparisons between slavery and the Holocaust quickly break down: the Nazis occasionally benefited from the slave labor of their victims, but the ultimate purpose of facilities like Auschwitz involved mass death, not profit or productivity. For slave owners and slave dealers in the New World, however, death of your human property cost you money, just as the death of your domestic animals would cause financial damage. And as with their horses and cows, slave owners took pride and care in breeding as many new slaves as possible. Rather than eliminating the slave population, profit-oriented masters wanted to produce as many new, young slaves as they could. This hardly represents a compassionate or decent way to treat your fellow human beings, but it does amount to the very opposite of genocide. As David Brion Davis reports, slave holders in North America developed formidable expertise in keeping their “bondsmen” alive and healthy enough to produce abundant offspring. The British colonists took pride in slaves who “developed an almost unique and rapid rate of population growth, freeing the later United States from a need for further African imports.”


Pennsylvania passed an emancipation law in 1780; Connecticut and Rhode Island followed four years later (all before the Constitution). New York approved emancipation in 1799. These states (with dynamic banking centers in Philadelphia and Manhattan) quickly emerged as robust centers of commerce and manufacturing, greatly enriching themselves while the slave-based economies in the South languished by comparison. At the time of the Constitution, Virginia constituted the most populous and wealthiest state in the Union, but by the time of the War Between the States the Old Dominion had fallen far behind a half-dozen northern states that had outlawed slavery two generations earlier. All analyses of Northern victory in the great sectional struggle highlights the vast advantages in terms of wealth and productivity in New England, the Mid-Atlantic States and the Midwest, compared to the relatively backward and impoverished states of the Confederacy. While a few elite families in the Old South undoubtedly based their formidable fortunes on the labor of slaves, the prevailing reality of the planter class involved chronic indebtedness and shaky finances long before the ultimate collapse of the evil system of bondage. The notion that America based its wealth and development on slave labor hardly comports with the obvious reality that for two hundred years since the founding of the Republic, by far the poorest and least developed section of the nation was precisely that region where slavery once prevailed.


In the course of scarcely more than a century following the emergence of the American Republic, men of conscience, principle and unflagging energy succeeded in abolishing slavery not just in the New World but in all nations of the West. During three eventful generations, one of the most ancient, ubiquitous and unquestioned of all human institutions (considered utterly indispensable by the “enlightened” philosophers of Greece and Rome) became universally discredited and finally illegal – with Brazil at last liberating all its slaves in 1888. This worldwide mass movement (spear-headed in Britain and elsewhere by fervent Evangelical Christians) brought about the most rapid and fundamental transformation in all human history. While the United States (and the British colonies that preceded our independence) played no prominent role in creating the institution of slavery, or even in establishing the long-standing African slave trade pioneered by Arab, Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch and other merchants long before the settlement of English North America, Americans did contribute mightily to the spectacularly successful anti-slavery agitation.

As early as 1646, the Puritan founders of New England expressed their revulsion at the enslavement of their fellow children of God. When magistrates in Massachusetts discovered that some of their citizens had raided an African village and violently seized two natives to bring them across the Atlantic for sale in the New World, the General Court condemned “this haynos and crying sinn of man-stealing.” The officials promptly ordered the two blacks returned to their native land. Two years later, Rhode Island passed legislation denouncing the practice of enslaving Africans for life and ordered that any slaves “brought within the liberties of this Collonie” be set free after ten years “as the manner is with the English servants.” A hundred and thirty years later John Adams and Benjamin Franklin both spent most of their lives as committed activists in the abolitionist cause, and Thomas Jefferson included a bitter condemnation of slavery in his original draft of the Declaration of Independence. This remarkable passage saw African bondage as “cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life & liberty” and described “a market where MEN should be bought and sold” as constituting “piratical warfare” and “execrable commerce.” Unfortunately, the Continental Congress removed this prescient, powerful denunciation in order to win approval from Jefferson’s fellow slave-owners, but the impact of the Declaration and the American Revolution remained a powerful factor in energizing and inspiring the international anti-slavery cause.

Nowhere did idealists pay a higher price for liberation than they did in the United States of America. Confederate forces (very few of whom ever owned slaves) may not have fought consciously to defend the Peculiar Institution, but Union soldiers and sailors (particularly at the end of the war) proudly risked their lives for the emancipation cause. Julia Ward Howe’s powerful and popular “Battle Hymn of the Republic” called on Federal troops to follow Christ’s example: “as he died to make men holy/let us die to make men free.” And many of them did die, some 364,000 in four years of combat—or the stunning equivalent of five million deaths as a percentage of today’s United States population. Moreover, the economic cost of liberation remained almost unimaginable. In nearly all other nations, the government paid some form of compensation to slave-owners at the time of emancipation, but Southern slave-owners received no reimbursement of any kind when they lost an estimated $3.5 billion in 1860 dollars (about $70 billion in today’s dollars) of what Davis describes as a “hitherto legally accepted form of property.” The most notable aspect of America’s history with slavery doesn’t involve its tortured and bloody existence, but the unprecedented speed and determination with which abolitionists roused the national conscience and put this age-old evil to an end.


The idea of reparations rests on the notion of making up to the descendants of slaves for the incalculable damage done to their family status and welfare by the enslavement of generations of their ancestors. In theory, reparationists want society to repair the wrongs of the past by putting today’s African-Americans into the sort of situation they would have enjoyed if their forebears hadn’t been kidnapped, sold and transported across the ocean. Unfortunately, to bring American blacks in line with their cousins who the slave-traders left behind in Africa would require a drastic reduction in their wealth, living standards, and economic and political opportunities. No honest observer can deny or dismiss this nation’s long record of racism and injustice, but it’s also obvious that Americans of African descent enjoy vastly greater wealth and human rights of every variety than the citizens of any nation of the Mother Continent. If we sought to erase the impact of slavery on specific black families, we would need to obliterate the spectacular economic progress made by those families (and by US citizens in general) over the last 100 years.

In view of the last century of history in Nigeria or Ivory Coast or Sierra Leone or Zimbabwe, could any African American say with confidence that he or she would have fared better had some distant ancestor not been enslaved? Of course, those who seek reparations would also cite the devastating impact of Western colonialism in stunting African progress, but the United States played virtually no role in the colonization of the continent. The British, French, Italians, Portuguese, Germans and others all established brutal colonial rule in Africa; tiny Belgium became a particularly oppressive and bloodthirsty colonial power in the Congo.

The United States, on the other hand, sponsored only one long-term venture on the African continent: the colony of Liberia, an independent nation set up as a haven for liberated American slaves who wanted to go “home.” The fact that so few availed themselves of the opportunity, or heeded the back-to-African exhortations of turn- of-the-century Black Nationalist Marcus Garvey, reflects the reality that descendants of slaves understood they were better off remaining in the United States, for all its faults.

In short, politically correct assumptions about America’s entanglement with slavery lack any sense of depth, perspective or context. As with so many other persistent lies about this fortunate land, the unthinking indictment of the United States as uniquely blameworthy for an evil institution ignores the fact that the record of previous generations provides some basis for pride as well as guilt.


Love is Love! Until it’s Not…

This was all so predictable.

In case you missed it, a son given up for adoption and his birth mother, reunited now that he is 19 and she is 36, are in love and want to be married. They cite the Hallmark card known as the majority decision in Obergefell for justification and they are 100% right – on the law, if not the morality.

36E86C3600000578-3725551-image-m-33_1470412208712Obergefell’s decision was written so extra-judicially, so grievously absent a limiting principle, that the law is on their side and no matter how many “Ick!”‘s the right AND the left utter, too bad.

Notably, the right is upset because – really – do I even have to articulate it? The left is upset because it makes them look bad. As if any sentient adult couldn’t have seen this coming a mile away.

Why do lefties always not see the inevitable backfire* of their stupid ideas? Every. Friggin’. Time.

Oh well! You built that, gang!

Enjoy Steve Deace’s column below. I couldn’t possibly have said it better myself.

Dear Rainbow Jihad,

Why isn’t there any room at the end of your LGBTQWTF gender-bending train for a mom and her son who like to get busy with one another? Where do you get off denying consenting adults their feelings?

After all, “love is love” and “same love” and all that, right?

If the government has no power to discriminate against relationships involving two consenting adults of the same gender, then why does it have the power to discriminate against two consenting adults at all?

Comments on at least one progressive website are calling this incestuous New Mexico hook up icky and gross. Um, why, pray tell? Whatever happened to “love wins?”

Or have you been lying to us this whole time?

Because it seems to me poor Monica Mares, 36, and her son Caleb Peterson, 19 — who Mares didn’t raise and offered up for adoption after she had him as a teenager — are cruel victims of a terrible double standard. They face up to 18 months in prison if found guilty of incest at a trial next month. But all they have done since they reunited with each other last Christmas is love each other. They lived happily together in Mares’ mobile home with her two youngest children, and Mares’ youngest son even began calling Peterson (his brother) ‘dad’.

A little strange perhaps, but in a world of ‘my two daddies’ and Bruce Jenner winning ‘woman of the year’ honors, I would have thought ‘who am I to judge’ was standard-issue moralizing by now. A new book was even just released called Pedophilia and Adult-Child Sex, which is described as “a philosophical analysis” of what “intuitively strikes many people as sick, disgusting, and wrong. The problem is that it is not clear whether these judgments are justified and whether they are aesthetic or moral.”
C’mon, man, get on the right side of history! All the cool kids are doing it. Do you bigots want to go back to banning interracial dating or something?

Mares, for her part, at least has the courage to sprint to the progressive Valhalla when others only dare to crawl. What an inspiration, that wonderful mother of nine. In fact, she is so unfazed by the threat of jail, she insists she would even give up the right to see all her other kids should the courts demand she choose between them and her mother lover.

Why on earth would anyone stand in the way of such a powerful urge, perhaps their one and only shot to be who they truly are?

“We (are) both consenting adults,” said Peterson. “It’s just like the gays. This whole case is about whether I have the right to love somebody and I sure as hell have the right to love Monica. You can’t tell me who to love, who not to love.”

That’ll preach. Go tell it on the mountain, Caleb, over the hills and everywhere.

If the government has no power to discriminate against relationships involving two consenting adults of the same gender, then why does it have the power to discriminate against two consenting adults at all?

“But what about genetic birth defects,” you say? Have ye not heard of the sacred right to kill your own offspring? They wouldn’t stop yelling about it just a few weeks ago at the Democrat National Convention. It’s all the rage.

Bottom line: Every child must be a wanted child, and if that child ain’t wanted, Dr. Gosnell is ready and waiting to see you. I fail to see what the problem is. Besides, what if a father and son want to get their freak on? Since neither has a uterus, there’s no risk of a conception, so why not let their freak flag fly?

I sincerely hope you precious snowflakes/social justice warriors aren’t just as guilty of “discrimination” as those bitterly clinging to their guns and their Bibles. Where is your sense of diversity? Your desire for tolerance? Where is your ‘get your government out of my bedroom and my ovaries now? Where is your sense of justice here?

As we speak, Mares is forced to walk the streets and suffer shameful indignities at the hands of those who approach her on the street and “call me incest.” Can anyone say “hate crime?” If there’s no place for BYU in the Big 12 Conference because it refuses to sanction sex among non-married heterosexuals on campus, then there’s no place for this blatant bigotry, either.

You’ve already heroically shut down businesses for not participating in homosexuality, as well as moved the NBA all-star game because North Carolina dared to deny men in skirts and lipstick fulfilling their fantasies in the girls’ bathroom. So what on earth are you waiting for? Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.

Not to mention fair is fair. The 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution clearly states that “no state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

So get equal already. If this applies to the homosexual couple recently “married” by Vice President Joe Biden, please explain why it doesn’t apply to Mares-Peterson. And no, crickets chirping isn’t an answer. Let freedom ring!

“Sometimes the easy way isn’t the best way,” Peterson said. “Sometimes we have to make that life decision that’s going to change and affect everything but when it comes down to it, it’s worth it.”

That’s powerful stuff, which once again proves that heroes don’t always wear capes, my friends. Sometimes, they just really, really, really love their moms.


* I have written previously on another spectacular backfire resulting from Obergefell here.

Obama, Explained, in ONE PARAGRAPH

Here it is.  You ready?  Because this is Obama, thus the insidious cancer of Progressivism, explained with the most sparkling clarity & brevity as I have ever seen.  Via Kevin D. Williamson at NRO, from whom I always learn something (the highest praise I can offer any writer) Bold text is my addition:

Barack Obama isn’t a policy guy; he’s a personnel guy. An underappreciated aspect of Barack Obama’s politics is that he has been trying to convert the Democratic party from a party that lives in Congress to a party that lives in the White House. The Democrats owned Congress, and especially the House of Representatives, in the postwar era, with unbroken control of the speakership from 1955 to 1995. Until Newt Gingrich came in with the 1994 tsunami, the last Republican speaker had been a man born in 1884 who rode into office on the coattails of Calvin Coolidge. Except for a few brief interludes (January 3, 1947 to January 3, 1949; January 3, 1953 to January 3, 1955; January 3, 1981 to January 3, 1987), the Democrats ran the Senate, too, from the Great Depression until the Gingrich years. That version of the Democratic party was a lawmaking party. (It made a lot of bad laws.) Barack Obama’s Democratic party, the one he is giving birth to, is a different animal. He didn’t give a hoot what was in his signature health-care law — just so long as it empowered him to start putting his people in positions to make health-care decisions. His patron saint is Roy Cohn, who proclaimed the gospel ‘Don’t tell me what the law is. Tell me who the judge is.’ Barack Obama doesn’t want to write laws — he wants to appoint judges. He doesn’t want finely crafted legislation — he wants ‘The secretary shall issue.'”

Parenthetically, Mr. Williamson also illuminates why we are $18 trillion in debt. Democrats had the purse at the dawn of the Great Society and did not let go until 1996. That’s not to say Republicans don’t own some of this disaster; they most certainly do. But it wasn’t conservatives who ushered in the welfare state and support it to this day. That’s on progressives. And that’s why we’re $18 trillion in the hole. Every social welfare program they have supported from the New Deal through the Great Society to Obamacare is not just broke, it’s breaking the back of the Republic.  Everything they touch turns to sh*t.


I heartily recommend your read the entire thing, here.

A Socialist Lemonade Stand

I happened upon this quite by accident and thought it was so awesome, I would repost it in full here. It’s from a rather impolitic site I think I’ve seen once or twice before called News Machete.” Their title for the below (the line) article is How to Teach Kids About Socialism.”

Now, I can already hear the cries from the left: “Well, what do you want? Anarchy? There has to be some regulation!” Yes, there has to be some regulation. Of course there does. We don’t want our budding entrepreneurs setting up their lemonade stands in the middle of intersections on the reasoning they will get more customers under the banner “Lemonade So Good It Stops Traffic.”  We don’t want pot brownies sold with the lemonade (Or maybe we do… Never-mind).  We don’t want some bureaucrat dropping by and shutting down little Timmy’s lemonade stand and letting little Sally’s lemonade stand across the street stay open because Sally’s parents have the “right” campaign sign on their front lawn. That’s Russia. We are a nation of laws, not men. Equal application of the law. With first amendment rights protected. A certain amount of regulation flows from these rights that provide Timmy & Sally the liberty to pursue their lemonade happiness regardless of their family’s political leanings. The Tea Party, conservatives like me, love that. Want that. Crave it. It’s when equal justice transmogrifies into social justice that it all turns to sh… Russia.

The cherry on top is another wonderful social experiment I came across years ago.  There are many iterations of it, but in short, college students in favor of wealth distribution aren’t so generous with their GPA’s.  Why?  Well… they “earned” it.

Hm.  Imagine that.

So when you’re done with the socialist lemonade stand, below the line, hop on over to CNS (an excellent site, by the way) for “Students Sign Petition To ‘Redistribute’ GPAs, But Some Are Too ‘Greedy’ To Lower Their Grades For Others.”  (Another excellent little site, by the way, for some some moral clarity to bleach away the progressive sewage being vomited all over America every hour of every damned day by ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, The New York Times, etc., is Exposing Leftists.)

How to Teach Kids about Socialism

It used to be that if you wanted to teach kids about capitalism, tell them to open a lemonade stand. By producing a product, marketing it, and selling it, they would get a small taste of what it is like to run a business.

But now telling your kids to open a lemonade stand is the best way of teaching them about socialism, not capitalism. First tell your kids to open a lemonade stand. Watch as they make lemonade, paint a sign, and move a table and chairs and a pitcher and cups to your front lawn.

Then let them sell for a few minutes unimpeded. Then come along and tell them you’re from the Department of Agriculture, and want to see where the calories count for their products are posted. If there is no calorie count, take 25% of what they have earned as a fine.

Then leave them alone for a few minutes and come back and ask if they are aware that they are violating child labor laws. When they tell you they are unaware, take 25% of what they have remaining as a fine.

Then come back a few minutes later and ask for the environmental impact statement for their lemonade stand. When they ask what that is, explain that before stand can be allowed to open, you have to study whether the ants under their feet or the squirrels in the trees above them are discomforted by the lemonade stand. If you notice any ice cubes melting on the ground to form a little puddle, say that is navigable waters and can be regulated by the EPA as well. Assess a 25% fine of what they have left.

Then come back a little while later and ask if they have been investing in healthcare for their employees, and withholding money for social security and medicare. If they haven’t, assess a 25% penalty.

Then come back a little while later and ask why there are no girls working there. Or if there are girls, ask why there are no blacks. Or if there are blacks, ask why no hispanics. If there are hispanics, ask why no gays. If there are gay kids, ask why no transgendered. Say that the absence of one group is evidence of discrimination, and assess a 25% fine.

Then leave them alone for a few minutes and set up a competing lemonade stand right next to them, with the sign “Luis Gutierrez Lemonade, 5 cents”. When the kids ask what you are doing tell them you are an illegal alien come to this country to compete for their jobs. If they start crying tell them that crying about it is racist and they could be fined.

At the end of the day count how much they have earned remaining after all your fines and take 50% of it. When they ask why, say it is for federal, state, and sales taxes. Explain that it was not they who sold the lemonade, but the government, who made the roads and sidewalks by which people came to buy it, and that they, the small business owner, are the “rich”, and need to pay their fair share.

After all this is said and done, ask your kids if they identify more with the producers of lemonade, or the government inspectors. Then you will have explained socialism to them.


“Compared to What?”

Classic Alinksy/Progressive tactics on display from radical anti-capitalist Representative Ellison here. It’s textbook stuff if you’re a student of it (and you’re willing to stomach 6 minutes of it).

Take 63 cents of every dollar you earn? That’s “fair,” he says. Keith is math-challenged, of course. See a previous post of mine on that, but now, witness his skill with:

Isolate. Demonize. Talk over. Marginalize. Straw men. Relativism. “Compared to what?”  

The problem with relativism of course, is that in the this scenario, in particular, you can always point to some human suffering somewhere that somebody else’s money might alleviate. Always.

Funny – They never talk about increasing the tax deduction for giving to local charities so that you can be a good, unselfish, patriotic American that way. It’s always tax & grow government.

A reasonable person might wonder if it’s really not the alleviation of human suffering they’re after… but their own aggrandizement.

Hint:  Charity is not spelled T-A-X.