Wall Street's "Air-Mail" to OWS

Here is most of a note someone way up in a skyscraper literally dropped, by the dozens, on the filthy OWS crowd and it’s very, very good eatin’! Enjoy! And big, big props to the essential daily read, American Thinker, for posting it!

We are Wall Street.  It’s our job to make money.  Whether it’s a commodity, stock, bond, or some hypothetical piece of fake paper, it’s doesn’t matter.  We would trade baseball cards if it were profitable.

I didn’t hear America complaining when the market was roaring to 14,000 and everyone’s 401k doubled every 3 years.  Just like gambling, its (sic) not a problem until you lose.  I’ve never heard of anyone going to Gamblers Anonymous because they won too much in Vegas.

Well, now the market crapped out, & even though it has come back somewhat, the government and the average Joes are still looking for a scapegoat.  God knows there has to be one for everything.  Well, here we are.

Go ahead and continue to take us down, but you’re only going to hurt yourselves.  What’s going to happen when we can’t find jobs on the Street anymore?  Guess what:  We’re going to take yours.

We get up at 5am & work till 10pm or later.  We’re used to not getting up to pee when we have a position.  We don’t take an hour or more for a lunch break.  We don’t demand a union.  We don’t retire at 50 with a pension.  We eat what we kill, and when the only thing left to eat is on your dinner plates, we’ll eat that.

For years teachers and other unionized labor have had us fooled.  We were too busy working to notice.  Do you really think that we are incapable of teaching 3rd graders and doing ladscapint?  We’re going to take your cushy jobs with tenure and 4 months off a year and whine just like you that we are so-o-o-o underpaid for building the youth of America.  Say goodbye to your overtime and double time and a half.  I’ll be hitting grounders to the high school baseball team for $5k extra a summer, thank you very much.

So now that we’re going to be making $85k a year without upside, Joe Mainstreet is going to have his revenge, right?  Wrong!  Guess what:  we’re going to stop buying the new 80k car, we aren’t going to leave the 35 percent tip at our business dinners anymore.   No more free rides on our backs.  We’re going to landscape our own back yards, wash our cars with a garden hose in our driveways.  Our money was your money.  You spent it.  When our money dries up, so does yours.

"Millstone around Barack Obama's Neck"

Former NYC Mayor, Rudy Giuliani, today, at the Defending the American Dream Summit:

‘I believe that Barack Obama owns the Occupy Wall Street movement. It would not have happened, it would not have happened but for his class warfare. And remember, as it gets worse and worse because it’s going to get worse and worse, where it came from. Barack Obama. He praised it. He supported it. He agrees with it. He sympathizes with it. And as it gets worse and worse, I believe this will be the millstone around Barack Obama’s neck that will take his presidency down.’

From your lips to God’s ears, brother. And to that of our countrymen. Via Real Clear Politics, here.

BTW: This is the same event Herman Cain spoke at this morning where he was greeted with thundering applause & a standing ovation! When he took the stage, he joked that the teleprompter that was there wasn’t for him, he didn’t need it, and it must be ‘for somebody else’! Hah!

Napkin Math

In thinking about the anti-capitalism ethos afoot:

We borrow 42 cents of every dollar we spend, right? Even the Left would stipulate this as FACT.

The top 1% pay in 38% of ALL the revenue the federal government takes in, right?  Even the Left would stipulate this as FACT.

What if the 1% stopped paying? Hmm?

I would argue that capitalism is the only thing keeping us afloat.

If the 1% went on strike, withdrew their capital, took their balls and went to some foreign home you would not only have to borrow 42 cents of every dollar, you would have to borrow ANOTHER 38 cents.

Let’s see… 42 + 38 = 80.


Bonus question: How much do you have to earn to be in the lucky 1%?

Bonus answer: A little over $300,000.  Yes – Three hundred thousand dollars a year.  Forget individual families for a second and consider this:  70% of the businesses in America are small business and the overwhelming majority of them file as individual earners.  The frickin’ corner store grosses twice that, fercryingoutloud.  Bam-Bam thinks they’re fat cats.

Bonus BONUS factoid: (Now, back to the ‘fat-cat’ family we put aside a moment ago)  Obama strokes a check every year for $80k in tuition to Sidwell Friends for his two kids. (His money.  He earned it.  Got no problems with that, okay?)  But how come it’s okay for him to not have to go begging to the federal frickin’ government for a school loan to put his kids through school, but if someone ‘who worked hard and played by the rules’ wants to do it for his kids, he’s a selfish pr*ck?



Obama & Perry Campaigns' Internal Polling

UPDATE III: 5:05pm Eastern:  Herman Cain spent the 4pm-5pm hour with Sean Hannity on the radio.  The one question I really wanted asked was ‘Have you ever been unfaithful to your wife?’. Hannity didn’t ask it. Ok… but you know what?  I’m ‘hiring’ Herman based on his character and trustworthiness.  I’m one of those knuckle-draggers who believes that if you lie to your wife you’ll lie to your country.  Call me quaint but I believe it.  Herman gave a good interview, and I’m comforted by it, and my support remains solid… but I’d really like an answer to that question.

UPDATE II 2:22pm Eastern:  Evidently Gloria Berger-Meister-Meister-Burger over at CNN has MORE vicious slander about someone who alleges no touching, no sex, no skin, nothing even remotely substantial, crashing on Herman’s couch once… Uh-huh.  I guess because she’s female and white this is significant?  

UPDATE, THU 9:25am Eastern: I’ve been watching/listening/reading media for three hours since I wrote this around dawn this morning, and not seen ANYONE with analysis like this on the big stage ANYWHERE defending Herman Cain with the SPECIFICS I’VE OUTLINED BELOW.  If you agree, PLEASE FORWARD THIS BLOG POST TO A FRIEND AND EXHORT THEM TO FORWARD IT TO THEIR FRIENDS!  The link you can cut and paste to this specific post is:


As I write this very early Thursday morning, we still have no specifics, no women, no pictures, nothing to back up these claims of ‘harassment’ on Herman Cain.

As I’ve written previously:  To this day, I remember Paula Jones’ bad perm.  We all still live in the fresh hell of Anthony Weiner’s weiner picture still in our minds’ eye  We remember the testimony that Bubba dropped trou and said ‘Wanna kiss it’?

In short, we had faces, names, quotes and witnesses who backed them up.  We have witnesses now who say they saw something in a restaurant and a talk-radio station hallway but won’t give specifics.  Unlike the original complainants, these ‘witnesses’ are not bound by any legal covenant.  Note, too, the venues we are talking about:  a restaurant and a radio station hallway are public places; not a hotel room or other private place… These people, Cain’s accusers & so-called witnesses are just throwing out fire-bombs of innuendo.  And speaking of throwing firebombs of innuendo…

…We have the reporters in the initial Politico story not giving details about exactly what happened, in, as they themselves have framed it, some gentlemanly effort to protect the woman…  Content, evidently with the result, which is to slander the reputation of the #1 GOP Presidential candidate, which is the only possible result from publishing with such a thin story if you have zero publishing standards but 110% agenda.  (Parenthetically,didn’t Politico get some Soros money a few months back? I know Media Matters did.  Duh.  But didn’t Politico?)

Cain has accused Perry of doing this, based on the reasonable conclusion that since someone with knowledge of the 1990’s settlement went to work for him 2 weeks ago. 10 days ago the story bubbled then hit the front page Sunday night.

This morning I awake to see that Drudge has some stories that Rahm Emmanuel may have had a hand in this.

Okay… I’m not suggesting that this was co-ordinated between the two, but if you can’t follow the money the second best thing is benefit.  Who does this benefit?

For GOP it would be Perry, of course, because it must be killing them, just fricking vexing to them that their guy, who started with so much heat, can’t get out of the cool basement of single digits.  

For Democrats the natural beneficiary to taking Cain down a peg or two would be Obama, of course, who has been campaigning all along like Romney is going to be their opponent.  

CONSIDER:  They’ve spent campaign money already putting out ads & talking points as though Romney is their guy.  Ferkryssakes!  What do you think this whole OWS thing is?  It’s an effort to foment civil unrest, next summer, during the conventions, after having spent the winter painting Romney as a Wall Street guy – their named enemy.

I’d bet my HOUSE it’s not just the polls we see on television & the internet that have Cain #1.  I’d bet these campaigns have internal polling – always far more accurate & detailed – that shows Herman Cain’s support far, far, far, far, far stronger than anyone’s previously suspected and each campaign looked at it like good campaigns do and said, ‘Where’s his soft-underbelly?  What’s the biggest balloon on these numbers we can prick to deflate this Cain train and stop it’?


Cain’s support rests largely on a huge amount of good-will.  Ephemeral good will. 

Make him a philanderer and…

Look – Obama can’t – CAN’T – face a strong black man in the General.  It’ll look like the 98-pound weakling punk-ass kid, clutching his trust-fund paid Harvard degree getting a finger-wagging scolding from his grandfather telling him to quit his nancy-boy whining, man-up, and get the frickin’ job done.

He’ll lose, and he knows it.

Therefore, based on all the foregoing, I, for one, believe the internal polls told them the Cain train was coming and Rahm was set loose – and Perry planted the story.

Sigh… This is going to be a long Primary.