Hristo Voynov, The Sage of Zuccotti Park

You can’t make this stuff, up.  Seriously.

OWS is down there at Wall & Broad demanding, through violence and intimidation, that the government forcibly confiscate the earnings the “rich” have worked for, right?

And while you might have a self-righteous coffee-house row over whether or not the Wall Street guys’ making money with money is “moral,”or “legitimate,” the rich, as a group, didn’t get rich by pulling an Ocean’s 11. They – even the evil Wall Street types – even OWS would concede (it’s inarguable fact) – had to study wicked complex economics & accounting at wicked hard schools to get that smart to be entrusted with that much control over that much money, so, by definition, really did work for what they have, whether or not they – morally – “deserve” it.  The whole thing just feels icky, and it’s just not “fair,” right? Okay…

Meet The Sage of Zuccotti Park, poor, disillusioned Hristo Voynov:

From Thursday’s New York Times article, “After Day of Quiet, More ‘Occupy’ Protests Planned”:

“‘Everything we had here, everything we worked for is gone,’ said Hristo Voynov, 18…”

Poor Hristo. It’s just not right that the government should confiscate what you have worked to earn. The least they could do, having forcibly confiscated what you have earned through your hard work, is to redistribute it to someone oppressed, right?

Hey, Hristo… You were only in Zuccotti Park for 2 months.

Try 20, 30, 40, or 50 years of work then have the government take half.  And that’s while you are alive.  

And while you are alive, busting your ass, you get to go home after a long day and you get to watch a putz like former Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) go on t.v. – and I saw this live and remember it vividly – say that you shouldn’t get to leave a penny of it to your children.

That’s right.  100% of what you “worked for” – not just for 2 months in Zuccotti Park – but over a lifetime, should be confiscated by the government upon your death.

So, after spending a lifetime busting your ass, having half of it taken from you along the way, these a**holes really, truly, genuinely, shamelessly, out loud, on television, believe & say in English words we can all understand: 

“You have no right to determine the disposition of your life’s work.”

Why? I swear to you this is what Weiner said.  You can look it up. Why don’t you have the right to determine the dispositon of your life’s work? Why should the government get 100% of it after all that?

“Your’e dead.”

“You have no rights.”

I swear to God I saw him say it.   

So stuff your infantile commie bullcrap about the 1%.  Man up.  Get a job.  Work hard.  Build something.  Offer other men jobs. Take care of your wife & pay your childrens’ tuiton and shut the f*ck up about the 1%.

Whah?  What’s that?  “They” have too much?


What’s “enough?”

Who gets to decide?

You see the problem, don’t you Hristo?

Quite apart from the fact that that kind of thinking is, down its cellular level, fundamentally anti-thetical to the optimistic, “work hard and make it big” American Dream spirit that built this country.  Why bust your ass if there’s a ceiling?  Huh?  Why risk everything you own to start a business if there’s a ceiling?  Why not just work just enough to save just enough then just die?

It’s not selfishness, you communist child, that, as a rule, motivates America’s rich, because what you’ve so cynically left out of your assessment of them is that they’re also America’s dreamers… Got it?  They have a goal.  They’ve found something they love to do that they are really really good at it so they will bust their ass to be the best at it.

For the best among them, it’s not even work.  For them, it falls into the category of “Do what you love, and you will never work a day in your life – and the money will follow.”

That’s the reward.  The money is secondary. A damneclose, reallyclose, superclose, second, I grant you, but second. They understood how it works in America – which brings me back to my original point – Be the best, and you get rich.

It’s the America Dream – our Real Social Contract, you moron.

But back to the rich, because you really, really, really don’t get this, Hristo:  They may have even spent 6, or 8, or 10 years studying it (the thing they love & and good at) perhaps for big tuition, to learn the finer points of it.  Reading, interning, absorbing everything they could possibly learn about their chosen field for 20 hours a day, for 6, or 8, or 10 years.  Whether it’s actuarial tables, international currency, or kidney disease.

I can’t walk into a Wall Street brokerage and profitably run a 401k that half of all Americans put their money in any more than I could do an appendectomy.  These people should be paid for their hard-hewned talents, you moron.

Can any one of your OWS buddies do those things?  No.  Life isn’t fair.  (Didn’t your mother ever tell you that?)

It never will be.  No matter who’s President.  

Some people will never earn more than $10 bucks an hour.  That’s the way it is.

Sucks to be you.

Or get to work and earn it.

Oh… and you didn’t “work” for anything in Zuccotti Park.  Zuccotti Park’s deed doesn’t have your name on it.

Go figure out what you can do for work everyday that you have some affection and talent for then see where it takes you.  Then you can buy your own Zuccotti Park and let people like you crap all over it.



Violent Tea Party Swarms

If I had a nickel for every one of their 3,500+ arrests…

Whah?  That’s an OWS poster?  Looking like some perverted mash-up of Tiananmen Square & Nazi Germany/Soviet communist propaganda?

Tea Party hasn’t had a single arrest in 2 years but Occupy Wall Street has 3,500 in 2 months?

Tea Party applies for & pays for the proper permits, says their peace, cleans up after themselves, then goes home?  Often leaving places cleaner than they found them and nearly always doing the clean up, from the first, without being told to do it from the stage?

OWS as recently as yesterday urinated in the lobby of a Bank of America branch they “occupied” in San Francisco? OWS has been photographed pooping on a police car? Trampling on an American flag? Raping? Robbing? Even murdering?


But MSNBC spent 18 months saying Tea Party was viole…


They’re propaganda whores for the White House?  Who’s lovin’ this?  Van Jones never really left the Administration?  He’s in their pitchin’ and organizing with Soros money paying all the printing costs, etc. for this whole thing?  It’s “organized chaos” from the top down for the bottom to rise up?

They’re frankly a little aggravated we didn’t do it for ’em?  Which is what they were trying so hard to do all these months?  Make us be the violent mob, but when we wouldn’t they put Van Jones to work?

Who knew?

"Target" BAD vs. "Molotov Cocktail" GOOD?

Language and graphics every modern politician – “target” a district, etc. – used before the Giffords’ shooting, were instantly ascribed to Tea Party Patriots who were then, by extension, roundly, universally blamed for the Giffords shooting.

Every single Democrat who asserted this inanity can be found, on the record, in public, using these “target” terms since.  It took about a month for them to slip back into the jargon – which, to rational adults, is normal and unharmful!  It is as unharmful now as it was before the Giffords shooting.

Compare this, now, to OWS literally threatening to throw a molotov cocktail into Macy’s in lower Manhattan.

*Crickets* from OWS’ House Mama “God bless them” Pelosi, et. al.  Pelosi, who also has “heard this kind of hateful rhetoric before.”  Ditto the Congressional Black Caucus.

Joe Biden, speaking to a union crowd just the other day gave them an “atta-boy” for “firing the first shot!”

Never-mind the deafening silence from “the cops acted stupidly” Obama!

Add in the rampant anti-semitism, endorsement of violence, and violent revolution – not on the fringes but – permeating the movement and…

Hello?  How can the press sleep at night?  If for no other reason, one might think the New York ones would have their primal, survival instinct kick in and want to protect their children by reporting the truth.

I just don’t get it.

Rewriting the Dictionary

Just a couple of the words we thought we all understood until Progressive Social Justice started the rewrite:

GREED:  Greed used to be gluttonous covetousness – no matter who was doing it or why.

Now, if you are in OWS, and just feel wronged, deprived, or otherwise locked out of what you have not been able to earn on your own, it’s not greed they are expressing, it’s righteous indignation at income inequality.

I dunno… In my stupid, simple America, when you look at some guy who’s done well and rage “GIMME!!,” that’s GREED. Dangerous greed, based on an utterly unmerited, misplaced sense of self-entitled covetousness.

MARRIAGE:  Marriage used to be the union of one man and one woman.  It is the most basic building block of the community of man, made manifest by the most basic impulse of man, to survive, through the propagation of the species.  For 5,000 years we have understood this as fundamental to the organizational principles by which we self-regulate the sharing of space on planet earth, and long ago invented a word for it:  marriage.

It’s not political.

It just is.

Now, if we don’t confer the word, “marriage” on same-sex unions, we’re bad.

No.  No, we’re not.  We just think calling a puppy a kitten doesn’t make it feline.  It’s still canine, no matter how much you browbeat us.  A puppy is a puppy and a kitten is a kitten and those are the words that describe those organisms.

You want all the rights & privileges of a legal covenant binding two people together for life?  Fine! 

If you are lucky enough to find someone to make that precious covenant with you, to make that solemn promise to partner with you through the journey of life, you’re damned lucky and should be thankful.  We should all celebrate your good fortune.  God love ya!


I could go on… There’s whole dictionary full of words these people have changed and it makes me cranky.

What "R" & "D" Mean to OWS

If all the rich lefties on television think Occupy Wall Street isn’t a dangerous roving mob, they’d better wake up.  Rapidly.

They’re not animated by ‘D’ for ‘Democrat.’  They’re not going to mob-walk to rich Republicans’ Manhattan townhouses while walking past George Soros’ townhouse forever.  They’re just targeting the ‘least-friendlies’ first.

They’re animated by ‘Rage.’  That’s the ‘R’ we all need to worry about.

Obama’s fixed-pie demagoguery has worked.  They really believe that because Bill Gates made $100,000 in interest just while sleeping last night, they are $100,000 poorer.

Marxism’s evil really is beautiful, isn’t it?  You have to admire it.

Yeah… Well, the Marxist OWS cheerleaders on MSNBC may well be ‘admiring’ it while dialing 911 for a ‘pig’ to come clear their front door of the OWS mob when they show up for their ‘fair share.’  Here’s a clue, kids:  Your Manhattan doorman might save you in New York, but they know where your country house is, too.

Let me help you, Mika, etc.  Walking out on the front porch and saying, ‘But…  but… I like you!  I’m one of you.’ doesn’t change the their lyin’ eyes.  You’re not one of them. You have stuff they want and it’s only fair they take it.

Got it?