It Was 20 Years Ago Today…

…Mike & I were married. If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn’t.


Not marrying Mike! Marrying on this date. Though, of course, we couldn’t possibly have known…

On our 8th anniversary we all sat, horrified, at the images on the t.v. On our 19th anniversary we all sat, horrified, at the images on the t.v. Last night, the world sat, horrified, at the images on the t.v. of the American president humiliating us yet again with his fumbling, bumbling, adolescent, ass-backwards foreign policy and world view.

Other than that, I’m feeling pretty darn good! It’s not possible to be more blessed than I am. I am the luckiest person I know. I was given the gift of parents who (having adopted me!) gave me the ability to follow my dreams; those dreams led me to a little one-horse town on San Francisco bay where one December morning in 1991 I met my future husband. Our first date we went out to dinner. Our second date, I cooked. I set the kitchen on fire, but let that go. He stayed… and never left. We call it the second date that got completely out of control. 22 years later, he’s still underfoot!

I adore my husband. He’s my best friend. We laugh every single day. I could not have asked for a better man. And that love gave us three of the best kids ever invented. Blessed, blessed, blessed.

I don’t know who God is. I don’t know by what name our Supreme Being should be called. I believe any path to that Light is good and proper (provided, of course, it doesn’t involve harm to others). But for lack of a better name, “God” is who I choose to call “him”, though I believe a good argument can be made that a Supreme Being is neither male nor female but a perfect blend of the best of both.

So Thank GOD for this day, for all the days past, and for any “he” deigns to issue forth. I couldn’t be happier.

Nature Abhors a Vacuum

American Thinker hits it out of the park (again!) with this analysis of Obama’s foreign policy – and surprisingly, offers a bit of relief, as encapsulated in this quote: “During the Soviet Empire the rise of Russia would have been very bad news. Today it might give us breathing space, to fix what is wrong at home.” It’s ass-backwards, like everything else in the Age of Obama, but it’s relief none-the-less.  An abbreviated version of the article is below, but if you click here you can enjoy it in its entirety.

August 24, 2013
Dangerous Times: Russia Rising in the Middle East
By James Lewis

Now that America is leading from behind, more serious powers are rushing to fill the vacuum… When America bugs out, what follows is not love and peace – contrary to deeply delusional liberals. What happens is a worldwide scramble for king of the hill. Instability breeds war… Civil war has erupted all over the place – Egypt, Libya, and Syria… And to show his profound concern for all the killing, Obama is sending vacation postcards from Martha’s Vineyard…

The Arabs aren’t smiling. In Egypt, both sides blame Obama. In Libya and Syria, we have alienated both sides, too. Behind the scenes, the Saudis are paying for the Egyptian military to knock down the Muslim Brotherhood, while the oil sheikhs of Qatar are trying to shaft the Saudis… (and) in the absence of American strength and reliability, all the players are turning to Russia…

That doesn’t mean Putin is a nice man, or that Russia isn’t going to pursue greater power. Putin is a Great Russian ruler.China, Europe, and Islam are his biggest historical threats. But in the nuclear age there are threats all around. Putin is therefore looking to take our place as the decisive power in the Middle East… Suppose you are Egypt’s General Sisi, trying to run a nation in chaos. Who do you want to guarantee your safety? A self-loathing, treacherous Obama, or a ruthless but very consistent Putin?

The answer is clear enough…

Obama may yearn to be adored, but Putin wants to be feared and respected. Putin is a man, with masculine values. Obama is not…

Global Warming Caused Arab Spring Sayeth Friedman

Oh, dear God.

Below are the bitter fruits of my decision to get out of bed at 2:30 a.m. after inexplicably awakening and staring a the ceiling for a half an hour.  Recklessly, and without a wingman, I read the New York Times editorial page.  I do this for cheap thrills, too often, and it’s far past time I admitted it publicly.

I read the first sentence (below) of Thomas Friedman’s latest polemic, “Kansas and Al Qaeda,” and literally snorted my gulp of coffee through my nose.   I will only share this gem of a first sentence and the last, both jaw-droppingly immune to gravity.  The in-between is too ridiculous to litter my blog, but if your stash of acid has run out, click here and read it for a natural high.

Breathe deep, ’cause God knows, Friedman does.

Kansas and Al Qaeda

By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN ~ SALINA, Kan. — I’VE spent the last few months filming a Showtime documentary about how climate and environmental stresses helped trigger the Arab awakening.

Got that?  It’s not King Barack being “dismissive and derisive” and deposing Mubarek, who, while deeply, murderously flawed, acted as a firewall between the Muslim world and the destruction of Israel, which, of course, leads to the destruction of peace in the Middle East, which, will naturally lead to World War III, if we’re lucky to get that far…


Next, and mercifully, last:

Pluralism, diversity and tolerance were once native plants in the Middle East — the way the polyculture prairie was in the Middle West. Neither ecosystem will be healthy without restoring its diversity.

Has Friedman cracked a history book… like… EVER???????  Did he miss that our Navy, our very N-A-V-Y was birthed because of the (Muslim!) Barbary Pirates?  Jefferson, after having given in to their demand for a bribe for peace, realized – RAPIDLY – that it would never end.  He did this within a couple of years.  We learned this, as a Republic, from a FOUNDER of our Republic, but a couple of CENTURIES later, we’ve got the “paper of record” printing that the Muslim world – who behead people who disagree with them – was once “pluralistic, diverse, and tolerant”?i-dream-of-jeannie-major-nelson-and-jeannie-6737721-1024-768


On “I Dream of Jeannie”???????

Oh, Dear God… It’s going to be a long day if it starts this early, this bad…

Chick Thoughts

1. As regards Hillary’s (Benghazi, Libya, dead Ambassador +3) testimony on The Hill yesterday:  The sum total of her testimony was “I didn’t get the memo” which resulted in all progressives & all MSM hailing this as a slap-down of those meanie GOP who questioned her. There were only 2 or 3 GOP who did an even half-way decent job of it, out of some 5 1/2 hours, which was distressing enough, but to hear the liberal media tell it, obfuscating and criminal negligence are praise-worthy talents. (And flat-out lying. She flat-out lied at least three times I counted.  Just flat-out LIED.) I can only imagine if the exact same series of events took place under George W. Bush and Condoleeza Rice. I’m guessing “I didn’t get the memo” wouldn’t fly…


2. As regards women in foxholes:  I used to sleep easy at night that none of my children would be drafted, as I have no sons… So much for that.  Panetta, on his way out, overturned that policy so now women can fight on the front lines.  I’ve always thought that if a woman CHOSE to, and her COMMANDER thought it was a good idea, she should be allowed to do it; but as a one-size-fits-all policy, NO.  Men and women ARE different and no matter how much you may want to make that not so, IT’S NOT SO.  That’s not to say they are not EQUAL:  Just DIFFERENT.  Again, if, in certain circumstances, you have a squad member who is uniquely suited to that work whose Commander (likely knowing what his troops think) thinks its workable, FINE.  But this cookie-cutter-we’re-all-equal-progressive-social-engineering-in-foxholes ain’t the way.

This Image Should Haunt All of Us

slone (@slone) November 27, 2012 OH DEAR! The liberal jackholes don’t like me calling out Obama for being the POS that he is regarding #Benghazi#tcot…