The Caliber of Your Welcome Mat

(See UPDATE below!)

Gun Free Zone




It’s soooooo predictable.  I mean… Every damned time.  E-v-e-r-y   s-i-n-g-l-e   s-t-i-n-k-i-n-g  d-a-m-n-e-d   t-i-m-e the very people the do-gooders doo-doo their good-on get doo’d-doo’d on.  (Or to quote our faux intellectual President who couldn’t string together a single elegantly wrought sentence if his life depended on it:  “wee-wee’d up”).

Even liberals who are anti-gun are protesting the stupid gun-owner map this little rag suburban NY paper put up on the ‘net.  Know why?  Because the NON-gun owners are now targeted as being unprotected. Included in this population are the wives & children of prison guards who are now being threatened with harm while their husbands are at work (thugs talk, even in prison, with their thug buddies on the outside – duh). Also threatened are women hiding from abusive husbands. They also are now outed as NOT having arms, thus ripe for a fresh beating – or killing.  The list of innocents now targeted for harm is long and the crooks are openly thanking the paper for doing it.
Way to go.
I left the comment below at NYT this morning. I can’t believe they published it. (UPDATE:  Judging from some of the replies posted to it, the sarcasm was utterly lost on them, both NYT readers & NYT comment editors alike. Oy.) Or maybe they’re just trying to save their own jobs if their own paper does something equally as felony stupid.

.NYT Comment on gun map


BTW: Judge Napolitano gives the best explanation of why this is wrong I’ve yet heard here.


UPDATE, SAT JAN 12: Hah!  Seems someone else had the same idea and outed these morons: “Journalists REJECT Personal ‘Gun-Free’ Zone Signs”!

James O'Keefe, WND, Gun-Free Zone Signs, Journalists Reject

Carrots, Cancer & the 91% Tax Rate

It is an article of faith among the veddy, veddy, smaht liberal cognoscenti that the 91% top marginal tax rate is what led – directly – to the building of The Greatest Generation and their Greatest Accomplishments and All that is Great in America.

It is therefore, unsurprising, now that The Boy King has been reinstalled, that they are angling for a return to the glory days of earning 9 cents on the dollar. (Yes, liberals, I’m aware it’s the top marginal rate, not the first $200k, okay?… *Sigh*).

Have these veddy, veddy smaht people never heard of the intellectual head-fake – really, a rookie move – known as confusing/conflating corollaries and causation?  Why pick the 91% tax rate? Why not pick poodle skirts? Fedoras? Everyone wore them at the time so surely that’s what caused our national prosperity, right?

91% of people who get cancer ate carrots, so surely it’s carrots that cause cancer, right?

Pick one: They’re morons or they are lying to you, because it has to be one. If you take it as an article of faith that the veddy, veddy smaht cognoscenti are at least book-read enough to know the data, then you are left with evil – simple, pure, evil lying.

Why Che and Mao AREN'T Cool…

One of the producers of this documentary holds a Master’s in History and remarked that she was ANGRY that she was never taught much of what she learned while putting together these video clips.

If you have ever seen a college student or a Hollywood celebrity wearing a Che or Mao t-shirt, forward them to this five part documentary.  And if you/they are inclined to believe Glenn Beck is an idiot, fine.  Watch it anyway and then produce some facts to support your assertions on where his is WRONG on his facts here.  I’m tired of people making ad hominem attacks on him and people who think like him.  Fine.  He’s fat.  He cries.  He’s a (sober) alcoholic.  Blah, blah, blah… WHAT IS HE WRONG ABOUT AND PRODUCE SOME FACTS FACTS FACTS to support your position!

Part ONE

Part TWO