Chick Thoughts

1. As regards Hillary’s (Benghazi, Libya, dead Ambassador +3) testimony on The Hill yesterday:  The sum total of her testimony was “I didn’t get the memo” which resulted in all progressives & all MSM hailing this as a slap-down of those meanie GOP who questioned her. There were only 2 or 3 GOP who did an even half-way decent job of it, out of some 5 1/2 hours, which was distressing enough, but to hear the liberal media tell it, obfuscating and criminal negligence are praise-worthy talents. (And flat-out lying. She flat-out lied at least three times I counted.  Just flat-out LIED.) I can only imagine if the exact same series of events took place under George W. Bush and Condoleeza Rice. I’m guessing “I didn’t get the memo” wouldn’t fly…


2. As regards women in foxholes:  I used to sleep easy at night that none of my children would be drafted, as I have no sons… So much for that.  Panetta, on his way out, overturned that policy so now women can fight on the front lines.  I’ve always thought that if a woman CHOSE to, and her COMMANDER thought it was a good idea, she should be allowed to do it; but as a one-size-fits-all policy, NO.  Men and women ARE different and no matter how much you may want to make that not so, IT’S NOT SO.  That’s not to say they are not EQUAL:  Just DIFFERENT.  Again, if, in certain circumstances, you have a squad member who is uniquely suited to that work whose Commander (likely knowing what his troops think) thinks its workable, FINE.  But this cookie-cutter-we’re-all-equal-progressive-social-engineering-in-foxholes ain’t the way.