The Boy King's Bigger Britches

Obama has made another power grab – making a recess appointment of Richard Cordray to the CFPB when the Senate isn’t in recess – which is shocking – Not for it’s brazenness, because he’s racked up a few of those, but for its timing, for two reasons:

1. His media team gets a gold star for doing this the day after the Iowa caucus.  They’re adding to their low-rent, poorly executed, utterly childish internet town-hall thing they did last night for 200 locations in Iowa last night, in a shameless demonstration of spotlight hogging that will no-doubt continue to increase in intensity and classlessness throughout election season.

2. His media team must have internal polling that tells them it would make him look butch, not tyrannical.  It’s hard for me, as someone who reveres our system of checks and balances as divinely inspired, to see it that way, but if you are uneducated or embrace Chicago thuggery, I guess that’s a good way to go.  Unhappily, there are so many “American Idol” type voters out there, it will likely play to his base, but ewww… Seems Chavez to me…


Santorum: Worse than Socialism

Rick Santorum in The Des Moines Register nails it:

“’I’m for income inequality.

I think some people should make more than other people, because some people work harder and have better ideas and take more risk, and they should be rewarded for it. I have no problem with income inequality. 

President Obama is for income equality. That’s socialism. It’s worse yet, it’s Marxism,’ Santorum said. ‘I’m not for income equality.

I’m not for equality of result — I’m for equality of opportunity.'”

Cain STILL Leads Among LIKELY Iowa Voters!

From a Bloomberg Iowa poll, taken on Nov. 10 to 12, released this morning:

Cain leads the field with 20%, followed by Paul with 19%, Romney with 18% and Gingrich with 17%, a statistical tie within the poll’s four point margin of error.”

Dig a little deeper and the poll tells us that the slime-job against Cain has largely failed, and resulted in 66% saying they “believed Cain’s denials” or “were waiting for more information.”  Only 25% said they were either “skeptical”or just outright “didn’t believe” him. In other words, the electorate is being eminently fair.  Short of a(n unlikely) bombshell, something really, definitively damning, I stand by my previous prediction that this tactic to take Herman down is over.  Also as prevously stated, that doesn’t mean they’re done with sliming him, but this tactic, the sex one, is over.

More here.

De Moines Gold Standard Poll = CAIN

American Thinker cites a Politico story citing a De Moines Register poll (ya with me?), which, as noted here, and as I’ve seen elsewhere, is the gold standard of polling in Iowa. It’s of likely voters (versus registered voters, or the general population, in progressively less reliable order) and for that reason, together with the fact that the Register’s polling is historically accurate, it’s the one off-the-shelf poll that even the guys who get $10k per month to do internal, private polling for a candidate, can read – and panic.

And while there is nothing panic-worthy in this one, and it’s tight, there is some very, very encouraging news for my man Herman:

“…The poll breaks down candidate preference into hard support (definitely backing a candidate), moderately hard support (probably backing a candidate) and leaners… ‘In all three categories, Cain leads the field with 20%… Gingrich… gets 19% (and) Romney gets 14%…  13% were undecided… (The) interviews taken Nov. 11 to 13…

(The) Des Moines Register poll of Iowa, which is considered the yardstick… (had) subsets …(which) reveal… Cain has 9% of voters “definitely” backing him, while Romney and Gingrich have 8% “definitely.” Paul has 7 percent “definitely”…'”

This poll was taken just this weekend.  Do I even need to ask the rhetorical question as to why this isn’t leading the news on NBC / CBS / ABC / MSNBC / CNN?  This shows remarkable resilience for a guy who has been mercilessly, brutally, unfairly slimed for two solid weeks.

Way to stand tall, Herman!