Only His Hairdresser Knows For Sure

This is why the internet was invented. Right here. Not information disbursement. Not the betterment of humanity. Not for military purposes, which is why it was actually invented. No. It’s for side-by-side images like this that can unite the peoples of the world. In harmony. And beauty.



Knowing as we do how the presidency ages you, we can only guess how he might handle it. To dye or not to dye? I mean… It looks like he already does (these Photoshop highlights notwithstanding). Donny’s vain. The presidency will not be kind to him. He may decline a second term just because it makes him look like sh*t. Then again, he thinks he looks fabulous right now.

Bonus? This Golden Pheasant was photographed at the Hangzhou Zoo in… ChYna.

If nothing else, watching the Trump years will be entertaining. It may be entertaining from the gulag, but it will be entertaining.

h/t Chinlingo