Rick Perry Props

My support for Herman Cain is obvious here, but an “atta-boy” for a member of the competition is called for – and late.

Rick Perry’s now-famous brain-freeze was cringe-worthy, ’tis true, but he’s handled his recovery from it brilliantly.

He deserves a lot of credit for taking it like a man, being charmingly self-deprecating, and making lemon out of lemonades – on all cylinders;  all qualities essential in a born leader, and utterly, glaringly lacking in Obama.

His border policy – “heartless” – is still a fatal deal-breaker for me, but dang, the good ol’ boy’s comported himself well!


Obama Celebrates "Cinco de Quattro"

Look, to be antiseptically fair, I almost didn’t post this because any reasonable reading of it will tell even the most ardent Obama dissenter why this gaffe was a gaffe that anybody could make but the fact that it was an Obama gaffe and not the gaffe of any conservative of any name but most particularly “Bush” or “Palin” is what make the *crickets* surrounding its non-reportage noteworthy.

Obama jokes that the Latin Americans he is hosting for an event in the White House a day early for Cinco de Mayo event are there to celebrate “Cinco de Quattro” which is not only wrong, but wrong in a completely a**backwards way.  If anyone named “Bush” or “Palin” had done it you wouldn’t be trolling some middle-aged disc-jockey’s blog to see it. It would have been burned into your brain on a continuous loop on MSNBC, CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC.

I'm SURE they would have done the same for George W. Bush…

From breitbart:

VIDEO:  “I refuse to accept the notion that the United States of America is not going to lead the world economically throughout the 20th Century.”

…but the AP article covering Vice President Joe Biden’s remarks does not reflect the error:
“I absolutely refuse to accept the notion that the United States of America is not going to lead the world economically throughout the 21st Century,” Biden said during remarks to supporters on the Delta campus.

Once again, we can thank Andrew Breitbart for uncovering the nakedly shameless bias infecting the mainstream media. Once again the once proud ASSOCIATED PRESS is “helping” a liberal they like.
Do you think they’d have been so “generous” with W.? Or Sarah Palin?????