The Boy King's Bigger Britches

Obama has made another power grab – making a recess appointment of Richard Cordray to the CFPB when the Senate isn’t in recess – which is shocking – Not for it’s brazenness, because he’s racked up a few of those, but for its timing, for two reasons:

1. His media team gets a gold star for doing this the day after the Iowa caucus.  They’re adding to their low-rent, poorly executed, utterly childish internet town-hall thing they did last night for 200 locations in Iowa last night, in a shameless demonstration of spotlight hogging that will no-doubt continue to increase in intensity and classlessness throughout election season.

2. His media team must have internal polling that tells them it would make him look butch, not tyrannical.  It’s hard for me, as someone who reveres our system of checks and balances as divinely inspired, to see it that way, but if you are uneducated or embrace Chicago thuggery, I guess that’s a good way to go.  Unhappily, there are so many “American Idol” type voters out there, it will likely play to his base, but ewww… Seems Chavez to me…


Recess for a Reason

From The New York Times:

‘…The agency’s budget… is not subject to the Congressional appropriations process. The bureau receives a certain portion of the Federal Reserve’s budget each year.’

Bam-Bam isnt stupid.  He knew a recess appointment was the only way to get Elizabeth Warren working.  Unhappily for both, Darrell Issa is now Chairman of the House Oversight Committee.  The ironically named Consumer Protection Bureau Elizabeth Warren is poised to direct is just he fiscal version of IPAB. It’s funded under the Fed. Fed = ZERO sunlight. And we don’t need the stupid thing anyway.  It’s just another info & control overreach.  Some might call it tyranny.

Warren and Republicans Spar Over Bureau’s Power