This Time the ESTABLISHMENT Will Hold Their Nose and Vote!

“(Ted Cruz has gone) from dreaded conservative purist
to the girl with the curl just like that.”

Steve Deace absolutely nailed it in this piece for Conservative Review.

I heartily recommend savoring every single word!


At long last, the only thing left to try now is conservatism.

As the final non-white trash reality TV show presidential candidate remaining (John Kasich’s Bonfire of the Vanities doesn’t count as a real campaign), the results in Wisconsin prove the Republican Party is unifying behind Ted Cruz. Which means pigs will now fly, Hell has frozen over, and George Lucas will resume making good movies.

There is hope for America, after all.

Apparently all that was needed to scare the GOP straight was Donald Trump.

Yep, that’s the same Ted Cruz the GOP thought was as distasteful as moldy black licorice just a few months ago for daring — gasp! — to expect the party to live up to the principles in its platform. The same Ted Cruz they were joking about murdering in the U.S. Senate just a few weeks ago. The same Ted Cruz who is one of only four Republican senators that grades out as an “A” on our Liberty Scorecard.

We finally figured out what it takes to move the GOP to the Right. Because primarying establishment squishes all over the country the past few years didn’t do it. Neither did repeatedly blogging our complaints. Apparently all that was needed to scare the GOP straight was Donald Trump.

The latest binge in our political tug of war, Trump managed to razzle-dazzle a segment of the culture that views the Kardashians as royalty. That family’s penchant for breaking the Inter-Webs with their perpetual nudity and gender bending is Trumpian to its very core. Shamelessness sells, something Trump knows all too well.

There’s a catch, though. It sells well enough to make morons rich, or for a reality show goon to hijack Walking Dead journalism for months of news cycles on end. But a competing and equally true narrative has been running side-by-side that shtick for months now, too. The overwhelming verdict of public polling is that Trump simply can’t beat Hillary Clinton, and would serve as a down ballot iceberg to the Titanic if he were at the top of the GOP ticket.

Finally, after all these years, the Grand Old Party will kick it into Cruz Control with conservatism for the first time since Mitch McConnell received his first earmark.

And if there’s anything you can rely on to motivate even the most feckless of politicians, it’s their own survival instinct. Hence, Cruz goes from dreaded conservative purist to the girl with the curl just like that. Without moderating on a single issue, Cruz remains the same hard-core right-winger — God bless ’em — he’s always been. However, unlike most of his fellow right-wingers, he assembled a professional campaign and message that allowed him to last long enough to be the last semi-sane option standing.

It turns out if you are the last man on earth she actually will go out with you.

As I said earlier this week in Conservative Review, the very descent into the mouth of madness which allowed Trump to amass a solid base of somewhere between 30 and 40 percent, is what now prevents him from growing beyond that. Thus, Trump has become a human Geiger Counter, whose radioactivity is too much shamelessness for even the Republican Party to bear. So, finally, after all these years, the Grand Old Party will kick it into Cruz Control with conservatism for the first time since Mitch McConnell received his first earmark.

Good times.

Every bit of compromise and calculation that was meant to appear “pragmatic” for the purposes of winning elections has been an undeniable and abject failure – at winning elections and everything else. Too many of the guys we elected literally aided and abetted the Left’s takedown of America. Either by surrendering to it, or failing to offer the country a substantive alternative. Give Trump, the ultimate con man, credit for exposing this inferior GOP establishment con once and for all.

Yet we are now cornered, and there are no back doors at the Trump-Cult Alamo. The only way out is through Conservatism, and its steadfast champion is Ted Cruz. Sure, it may look like a shotgun wedding with a GOP that for years treated us like Joan Crawford’s redheaded step-children. But they say necessity is the mother of invention so might as well lie back and enjoy it.

Besides, if nothing else, we can at least take some satisfaction in the knowledge this time they’re the ones who get to plug their noses and vote.

Who’s Zoomin’ Who, Donny?

I have long contended that if the GOPe (GOP Establishment) were forced to choose between the two, Cruz or Trump, they’d choose Trump in a heart beat. Why? Here’s why (You can click the image on the right to enlarge it):

Gravy train. “Trump train” my ass . It’s the gravy train that’s now a’rollin’. Of the two, Trump will deal. Cash. Cruz will always choose the Constitution.

And cash is more fun, isn’t it?

Add in this excellent article below from American Thinker by Daren Jonescu, and it appears my thinking is now being actively validated.


Is Trump a McConnell-Rove Establishment Tool?

On January 19, Donald Trump, the loudest Republican claimant to the anti-establishment label, filled out his recent attacks on Ted Cruz in a very telling way, as revealed on Mark Levin’s radio program (click here, select the 1/19/16 podcast, go to the 23 minute mark):

We've been contacted by the establishment types.  They all want to know, how do they get involved with the campaign?  They're giving up on their candidates…and I mean these are real establishment people, that I've known when I was a member of the establishment -- meaning a giver, a big donor.  But they are contacting us -- Corey [Trump's campaign manager], I think we can say that very honestly, they're contacting us left and right about joining the campaign, and these are serious establishment types.

Who might these “real,” “serious” establishment types be?  Perhaps there is a hint in this subsequent comment, a follow-up to his recent pro-establishment assault against Ted Cruz:

So when you talk about temperament, Ted has got a rough temperament, I don't know.  You know, you can't call people liars on the Senate floor, when they're your leader.

This, of course, is a direct reference to Cruz’s criticism of Mitch McConnell regarding the GOP establishment leader’s secret deal with Barack Obama prior to a trade vote.

Donald Trump defending Mitch McConnell, you ask?  The answer is yes, and the explanation may be found by examining Trump’s recent history as a political donor.

Back in early 2013, Tea Party conservatives, fed up with McConnell’s feckless (to be generous) Senate leadership, his semi-tough talk that never seems to match his legislative decisions and results, and his relentless suppression of the conservative minority in the Senate, sought to supplant this establishmentarian’s establishmentarian by supporting a conservative rival in the 2014 Kentucky primary.

In response to this challenge, a super PAC called “Kentuckians for Strong Leadership” was formed to raise funds for McConnell’s scorched earth campaign against not only his own Tea Party rival, but the whole Tea Party movement.  I put the group’s name in scare quotes because, of its fifty-eight major donors — those who had given $1000 or more as of May 15, 2014 — the Louisville Courier-Journal identified only five with Kentucky addresses.  “Kentuckians for Strong Leadership” was in fact, as Tony Lee reported at Breitbart at the time, a re-branding of Karl Rove’s American Crossroads, an organization expressly dedicated to destroying the constitutionalist movement in favor of the old guard GOP establishment.

The big donors to Mitch McConnell’s anti-Tea Party defense fund gave amounts ranging from $1000 to $250,000.  In the upper half of this donor list appears one Donald J. Trump, who gave $50,000 to the group.  Five days earlier, he had already donated a few thousand dollars to McConnell’s campaign directly.  This total donation is far and away the largest contribution Trump has ever made to any individual Washington politician’s campaign — at least ten times larger than any other contribution he has made to a national Republican candidate.  Indeed, one has to cross over to the Democrat side of his donor history to find anything comparable to this contribution at any level of government.  That would be his $50,000 donation to Rahm Emanuel’s mayoral campaign in December 2010.

Mitch McConnell has been perhaps the single most prominent leader — certainly the most powerful — in the Republican Party’s long-standing effort to “crush” (McConnell’s word) the grassroots constitutional conservative movement that threatens the privileged status of the Washington Brahmin caste, aka the American political establishment.

In 2014, the Tea Party had the temerity to challenge McConnell directly on his own home turf.  He did indeed crush them there, as he would happily crush them in the Senate.  His effort to annihilate the constitutionalist resistance was funded heavily by a nationwide group of donors affiliated with Karl Rove, who presumably shared McConnell’s and Rove’s desire to defend the establishment against the belligerent serfs who were daring to assert their liberty against its permanent privilege.

Donald Trump was a major donor to that effort.  He even threw another $10,000 into the pot in October 2014, to bring his total contribution to McConnell to more than $60,000.

Now he is attacking his primary rival, Ted Cruz, on the grounds that “Nobody in Congress likes him,” and, more specifically, that “you can’t call people liars on the Senate floor, when they’re your leader.”

Donald Trump is no longer making a generic accusation against Cruz’s demeanor or reputation.  He is slapping him on behalf of the Republican he has supported most generously, Mitch McConnell.  I have previously argued that Trump’s reputation as anti-establishment is all hot air, corresponding to nothing he has ever really done.  Here we have just one more clear example of that.

A conservative blogger friend recently suggested to me privately that he is not ready to reject outright the possibility that Trump is actually the establishment’s clever creation — that, after years of deepening threats from an increasingly serious constitutionalist faction within the GOP, the progressive Republicans may have surmised that the best path to victory is, as my friend puts it, to “run against themselves.”

Whether strategic or merely fortuitous, the alliance between Donald Trump and the GOP establishment, which has lurked verifiably behind Trump’s brash mask for years, has now become an open feature of his primary campaign.  And the chief target, Enemy Number One, of both parties in this alliance is Ted Cruz.  Cruz is “nasty” and “nobody likes him,” as Trump says, because he is brazenly defiant toward the GOP establishment’s leaders.

And you thought the whole point of being anti-establishment was to be brazenly defiant toward the establishment’s leaders.  Silly you.  Apparently, a real anti-establishment candidate would not donate $60,000 to Mitch McConnell’s “crush the Tea Party” campaign.


Stompy-Foot America!

Can we just… not? Please? Stop it. Stop it, America!

The media works itself up into a frenzy over nothing all the time, but that impulse has mutated into something infectious to Tea Party Americans and I’m getting tired of it. People are freaking out over things that normal people in normal times speaking in normal tones would regard as “Oh, I see what happened here. I get it,” then move on.

Just two examples, in no particular order (with full disclosure I’m supporting Ted Cruz for President, just so everyone knows where I stand.):

  1. Dr. Carson’s “scholarship” offer from West Point.  Everybody’s gone insane over the fact that one doesn’t get a “scholarship” from West Point. It’s free. (Well, nothing is “free” but you know what I mean.) It’s so obvious what happened here: young Ben Carson, top guy in his local ROTC in Detroit is told by some big brass, in essence, “If you want it, you got it.” Reporting from various news outlets and men his age tell us that the military was vigorously recruiting young men of color at that time, and the word “scholarship,” obviously, was used colloquially. I mean… C’mon… It was 4 or 5 decades ago! The sum & total of what happened is real and truthful. He was made to believe he could have gone if he wanted to. That is a fact. To get all hung up on the word choice (“scholarship”) or what month it happened (Carson said it was April or something but it turns out the brass’ schedule shows he was really in Detroit in May or some such thing)… I mean, give me a break. He could have gone. He didn’t. It happened. Shut-up.
  2. Trump’s recollection of American Muslims celebrating 9/11/2001. He says he saw “thousands.” This number, after a week of frenzy, appears to be the final sticking point. We began with “It never happened,” then “Somebody called the cops about it, but they don’t remember,” to “Here’s the police report about it, but nothing happened,” to multiple newspaper & broadcast reports from September 2001, that it did, in fact, happen, in “Patterson,” (New Jersey) and other places (Newsweek, CNN, Howard Stern, etc.). I remember it happening. How do I know I remember correctly? Because I remember being shocked and thinking “This is like the O.J. verdict.”  It was like there was a whole ‘nother America out there completely foreign to me. I linked those images, the American Muslims celebrating 9/11 + Black Americans celebrating the O.J. verdict in my mind because they were both shocking to me; shocking examples that there were entire populations of my fellow Americans I truly did not understand and who regarded me with enmity.

So, in summary, like the Carson thing, it’s obvious what happened here: Trump conflated 14 year old memories of the overseas celebrations with the homeland celebrations and got “thousands,” but the sum and substance of what he said was materially, largely true. There are other examples, but those are the two loudest & most recent.

So shut-up, America. Put your big-boy pants on and calm the frig down. We’ve got bigger fish to fry.

July 14, 2015. A VERY Bad Day.

In no particular order, here’s why Tuesday, July 14, 2015 was a particularly bad day in America… and really, the world.

1. OBAMA FORCES CONTRACEPTION ON NUNS Obama Admin tells nuns – Yes,Little Sisters of the Poor NUNS – they must facilitate the purchase of birth control.  (And as a bonus: these are nuns who minister to the poor – in hospice.  HOSPICE, okay?  Not a lot of nookie goin’ on in their daily ministry.  And their name?  Even their name should elicit gentleness and compassion in anyone with a conscience:  Little Sisters of the Poor.)

Little Sisters of the Poor2

I don’t even know how to comment on this story without crying.  Honestly.  And I’m a fallen woman.  An EX-Catholic, with no particular “brand” of faith to call my own.  So I’m no reflexive Catholic apologist.  But I’m not without wit.  I’m sentient.  I can read.  I know what our Founding was all about, what it means, why it means what it means… etc., etc., and this is just flabbergasting.

FURTHER READING:  If you’d like to so some reading on how this could happen in America, of all places, let me heartily recommend a brilliant America Thinker piece, U.S. Has Established a State Religion: What Now for Christians?, which echoes my thoughts beautifully.  It delineates how the federal government’s establishment of non-religion has become the functional equivalent of the federal government’s religion… which is sorta the opposite of the whole point of our country…

2.  BABY BODY PARTS FOR SALE (Taxpayer supported) Planned Parenthood is selling body parts… and evidently has no problem discussing the best way, during a late-term abortion, to crush-this-without-crushing-that, while keeping the profitable organs intact, and going over the minute details of this unimaginably evil practice while sipping wine over lunch at a restaurant.

I mean… What… What can you even say to that?

MEDIA MALPRACTICE: Meanwhile, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, The New York Times, and The Washington Post etc. is shoving a microphone in front of every single GOP Presidential candidate demanding they condemn Donald Trump over his remarks on the Mexican border (which were impolitic but substantially true) or be regarded as endorsing them, but not a single one of them has asked Hillary Clinton (or any other Democrat, candidate or not) if she stands with Planned Parenthood, will condemn thisSanger on weeds ghoulish practice, return the many thousands of dollars in campaign donations they’ve given her, awards they’ve given her, or be regarded as endorsing them.

It’s good to be a Democrat.

Margaret_Sanger-KKKFURTHER READING: If you’d like some further reading on the long, long ties between Planned Parenthood and the Democratic Party, here’s just one blog post I found on HRC’s, Obama’s, and Democratic support in general for PP. If you are unaware of the hideous genesis of Planned Parenthood, and you might well be since it’s been buried so well, Margaret Sanger founded it back in the Progressive Era.  She was a virulent racist, eugenicist, and spoke openly about how the purpose of “planned parenthood” wasmargaret-sanger-quote-about-negro-population the pulling of “weeds” from the population, i.e., ‘undesirables’… like blacks…

Again… If people only knew the truth of progressivism, how cold and calculating it was and remains (clearly!), there’s just no possible way you could embrace it.  And please don’t misunderstand:  it’s not that I am for a return to back-alley abortions.  I’m not.  That genie is out of the bottle.  But I do believe that third-trimester abortion should be severely restricted.  I mean… Good grief.  If you don’t know if you want to go through with a pregnancy until you’re 8 1/2 months along… the decision had been made for you, toots.  That baby is coming.  If you don’t want it, give it up for adoption.  

3.  NUKES FOR MULLAHS The capitulation was finally complete this morning in Vienna.  We have a deal.  With Iran.  This piece at American Thinker pretty well sums up my feelings on the matter.  In short?  Obama just launched a Middle-East NUCLEAR arms race, and I don’t have a lot of confidence these medieval-mahdi-seeking-mullahs will exercise self-control.  If it’s not Israel’s death-warrant, it’s surely somebody’s… maybe a lot of somebodys…

And just for kicks, consider:  This President has gone out of his way, orchestrated a massive global effort, to see to it that Iran gets nukes, while simultaneously launching an equally aggressive domestic effort to see to it that his fellow Americans can’t have a lawful gun.  Got that?  Mullas and nukes = GOOD.  Fellow Americans and Second Amendment = BAD.

I guess you’d have to be a progressive to appreciate (or divine) any nuance in that.

FURTHER READING:  Mark Levin’s take on this (the Iran deal) is perfect.  Highly recommend listening to his 07/14/2015 podcast in full (It’s his entire 3 hour show – less than 2 hours because all the commercials are chopped out – and it’s free, every day), or you can read excerpts here.

So that’s July 14, 2015 in America.

And we’ve got 555 days more of this to go.

If we make it that far.