Buster the Bead Thief

This is Buster the Bead Thief. Beads come in tiny little bags, sometimes as small as 1×1 inch. Most come in bags that are about 3×3 or 4×4. When no-one is looking, this cat will pick up the bags, one at a time off my work table, then walk off with them in his mouth like a dog with a bone, and take them to a couple of spots in another part of the house where he likes to stash them into a little pile. For the longest time I thought I was just going crazy not being able to find certain beads. Then my youngest daughter, who he has decided is his personal, private human, caught him doing it, and about once a week, she brings a collection of his contraband back to me.

I am a lifelong cat owner and lover. But I gotta tell you, he is the strangest cat alive, I swear to God. In a species of animals known to be strange, he is strange even among them. He’s scared of his own tail (which, I grant you, is unnaturally large), Walks away from roast beef. Howls at closed doors. Completely black except for some dark gray hair around his wanker. And he’s a bead thief. Buster the Bead Burglar. Weird, weird, weird…

They just seem to ask for it, don't they?

I love cats. I’ve owned one for 35+ years. I own two right now. Only a true cat lover can tell you, with a pure heart, how desperately cats just ASK to be humiliated, one way or another, for the evil pleasure of the humans who share their space. Here’s is on example my 13 year old daughter just shared with me that made me laugh literally until I cried. It’s nothing exotic, just purely, devilishly, CAT!