Heil Krug!


WRONG, my little commie friend.

Business exists to make a PROFIT.  Without PROFIT, they don’t SURVIVE.  NOBODY will INVEST in an enterprise whose stated aim is to tuck its employees in at night.  That’s an ENTIRELY different PARADIGM.  If you want a social service, then get/make/endorse a social service through LOCAL, STATE, CIVIC, or FAITH-BASED institutions, but NOT through some big-ass federal government program or on the backs of the nation’s PRODUCERS.

Liberals have this relentless and annoying impulse towards assigning church-type goals to capitalist enterprises. Grow up dammit.


Me not Thee / Thee not Me

Below is a comment I just submitted to another stain on Krugman’s insufferable blog… er… I mean, a comment I just submitted to a post on The Conscience of a Liberal (as if there were such a thing).  If it’s not published there, I wanted to be sure it was published here:

Having it both ways? You know what OTHER VSP’s (very special people) had it both ways? John Maynard Keynes, your hero. Me not thee economics was his m.o. in private. He invested. Carefully & well. Know who else was a me not thee? MARX ferkrissakes. He was sustained by wealth accrued through capitalism, which was available to be FREELY given to him (as opposed to FORCIBLY by taxation) to sit on his a** and screw up the world. The BIGGEST me not thee of today? THE OBAMA FAMILY. If it weren’t for a couple of rich white women who lunch, Obama’s father would never have met Obama’s mother. Because of their rich capitalist husbands’ money, available to them to be FREELY GIVEN, they bankrolled much of Obama Senior’s Excellent Adventure in America. Funny, I don’t recall Obama ever making an example of their philanthropy or THANKING THEM for their generosity in a speech. You’d think he’d have their children to the White House for a photo-op, you know? But why would he? Since he started making BIG money on his book, he’s not given a single friggin’ DIME to his welfare aunt here in Boston who lives 100% off our tax money. Brother’s Keeper? THEE NOT ME!


20th Century Progressives' View of America

I mentioned in a previous post that I’m reading American Progressivism in an effort to understand what Hillary Clinton proclaimed that she, and so many others are: “early twentieth century progressive.”

After the introduction by the authors, and campaign speeches by T. Roosevelt & Woodrow Wilson, which brought me about 50+ pages in, my initial impressions are this:

Capitalism and capitalists are bad.
Class warfare as a campaign tactic is nothing new.
Understanding the power of the media and how politicians can subsume and subvert it for propaganda is also nothing new.

I don’t think I have ever read a book that had me scratching so many notes in the margins.  I’ll post some excerpts later, but for now, there’s ain’t a lot of “morning in America” in the vision of these characters.  Oh, they talk around it and give it some lip service, but the philosophies underpinning their policies are dark, and anti-individual rights.