This. Is. Stunning.

UPDATE #2 SAT 06/06/2015 8:15am:  As expected none of the eunuch-palace-scribes at either the White House or State Department briefings asked about Gertz’s findings.  I even checked to see if D.O.D./Pentagon was having a briefing or had had one recently and they just linked to State.  Gosh, I miss journalism.

UPDATE #1 FRI 06/05/2015 8:30am:  I wonder if  The New York Times was “asked” to write the inane Editorial I commented & blogged on just the other day because The White House knew this piece from Gertz was coming? Things that make you go ‘hmm’. 

This is quite possibly the worst thing ever written about any American president ever by quite possibly the best reporter on intelligence matters in America, Bill Gertz (And that’s not just my opinion.  Mr. Gertz is widely regarded as the “go-to” guy for his razor-sharp mind and deep & impeccable sources.  The only other reporter I would put anywhere near him is Catherine Herridge of Fox News.)

I know I sound hyperbolic, but dear GodGertz is basically reporting that our President has given aid & comfort to the enemy.  And not just any enemy.  This enemy ties each of a woman’s arms and legs to four cars then speeds off (yeah…), rapes an 8 year old girl in front of her family then makes each watch while the others get beheaded one by one, crucifies 3 year old boys, drops gays off rooftops, plays soccer with decapitated heads… burns a caged man alive… I mean… even members of the administration have said publicly they’ve never seen such depravity.

This charge about Obama has been made made many, many, many times before, but never from a source as universally respected as Gertz.  The only thing wrong with it is the White House Press Corps, most prominently ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, NPR, The New York Times, The Washington Post, will never, ever, ever touch it because Gertz now writes for a “right-wing” source (He published this in The Washington Times, but he also writes for The Washington Free Beacon, a newer paper without the sort of strange background as the WT).  It might possibly come up at a State Department briefing.  Possibly even a Pentagon briefing.  If it does, I’ll update.)


I’m still sort of thunderstruck so I’ll just stop here and invite you to read the American Thinker’s take on it, below.

Via The American Thinker – Gertz Expose: Pentagon docs show Obama supports Muslim Brotherhood
June 5, 2015
By James Lewis

Bill Gertz, top Pentagon reporter for the Washington Times has just reported that “Obama secretly backed Muslim Brotherhood.”  The Brotherhood is literally a fascist Muslim radical group from the Nazi period.

Writes Gertz:
President Obama and his administration continue to support the global Islamist militant group known the Muslim Brotherhood. A White House strategy document regards the group as a moderate alternative to more violent Islamist groups like al Qaeda and the Islamic State.” (Aka ISIS).

The policy of backing the Muslim Brotherhood is outlined in a secret directive called Presidential Study Directive-11[.] … The directive was produced in 2011[.] …

Efforts to force the administration to release the directive or portions of it under the Freedom of Information Act have been unsuccessful. …

The directive outlines why the administration has chosen the Muslim Brotherhood, which last year was labeled a terrorist organization by the governments of Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates as a key vehicle of U.S. backing for so-called political reform in the Middle East. …

The UAE government also has labeled two U.S. affiliates of the Muslim Brotherhood, the Council on American-Islamic Relations and the Muslim American Society, as terrorist support groups. Both groups denied the UAE claims. Egypt is considering imposing a death sentence on Mohamed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood-backed former president who was ousted in military coup in July 2013.

Critics of the administration’s strategy say the Brotherhood masks its goals and objectives despite advocating an extremist ideology similar to those espoused by al Qaeda and the Islamic State, but with less violence. The group’s motto includes the phrase “jihad is our way.” Jihad means holy war and is the Islamist battle cry.

Counterterrorism analyst Patrick Poole said the Brotherhood in recent weeks has stepped up its use of violent attacks in Egypt.

The Muslim Brotherhood is called the “Ikhwan” in Arabic, meaning “brotherhood.”  (Like German “ich” and “won.”)  It took that name in 1928, when fascist and Nazi “brotherhoods” were spreading all over Europe.

From the start, the Ikhwan actively collaborated with Hitler through the mufti of Jerusalem.  One of their slogans is “All we want is to die in the way of Allah” – which means killing as many infidels as you can when you die.  This is the theological basis for suicide-bombing.  Today, there is no daylight between the Ikhwan and ISIS.

In 1981, an Ikhwan front group assassinated Pres. Anwar Sadat, the most important Arab peacemaker with Israel.

The Ikhwan employs Malik Obama, the president’s half-brother, as a big money man.

The Ikhwan created Hamas – the terrorist group that uses children as human shields to protect rocket launchers in Gaza.

The Ikhwan helped neo-Ottoman fascist Erdoğan to take over Turkey.

The Ikhwan is almost certainly behind ISIS, together with Turkey and Qatar.

In 2011, the Ikhwan overthrew Egypt’s President Hosni Mubarak – who upheld the Egypt-Israel peace treaty for four decades – in close collusion with Obama, Code Pink, and Bill Ayers.  The Western media actually reported that  Code Pink and Bill Ayers were protesting Hosni Mubarak in the weeks before Mubarak was overthrown.  Today, millions of Egyptians believe that Obama supports their mortal enemy, the Ikhwan.

The Ikhwan is now engaged in a monumental civil war against President El Sisi, whose court just condemned its leader to death.  Their leaders who are not in jail have fled to Qatar, Turkey, and Gaza, all part of the Ikhwan network.

The Ikhwan controls American front groups like CAIR, which buys up American politicians by the truckload, especially on the left.

Four-star admiral James Lyons (USN, Ret.) has gone public with the charge that the Ikhwan has deeply penetrated U.S. intelligence.  That is why Obama can’t even say the words “Muslim war on America.”  That is why our defense has been so feeble and cringing.

Hillary Clinton’s closest personal aide as SecState was Huma Abedin – an Ikhwan insider.  Abedin was one of the few people who had access to Hillary’s illegal personal e-mail account on the night of Benghazi.  Nothing has changed – Abedin is still at the top of the Hillary campaign.  Probably for the first time in U.S. history, presidential candidate Hillary has stonewalled any media questions, period.

Major Ikhwan money flows have been reported going to the Clintons, the Carters, and Obama.  Ikhwan penetration of American society and the U.S. government gives all the appearance of a political quid pro quo – with our survival at stake.

Bill Gertz’s Pentagon documents now prove the Ikhwan connection directly.  The liberal media will try to stifle the facts, as always.

Maybe this time they will fail.


Benghazi’s TRUE Meaning & DANGER

In a May 3, 2014, American Thinker piece entitled Dangerous Times: Still Missing the Strategic Meaning of Benghazi”  by one James Lewis, we see, plainly, in a way few – very few – have done before, how uniquely treasonous the occupant of the Oval truly is. And I mean every single syllable of that: uniquely treasonous the occupant of the Oval is. Notice I did not say how wrong the President is. I said what I meant and I meant what I said.

We don’t know who this man is, and we have never – never – seen anything like this before.

Read excerpts below, but please, take the time to read the entire thing when you have a quiet few minutes to truly digest it.


From Dangerous Times: Still Missing the Strategic Meaning of Benghazi“: 

…Obama’s secret policies have… been exposed to public view with the Benghazi fiasco. It is now clear that since Obama came to power, the U.S. government has overturned all the fundamental values that have characterized American policy from Thomas Jefferson onward. Under Obama we have secretly joined the terrorist side in the Jihad War.

In any other administration that would be unbelievable, but consider the facts.

1) 500 million dollars in arms to al-Qaeda in Syria.

Intelligence analyst Clare Lopez and a group of distinguished retired military and intelligence experts released a statement …. ‘(after) a seven-month review of the deadly 2012 terrorist attack (in Benghazi that) has determined that it could have been prevented — if the U.S. hadn’t been helping to arm al-Qaeda militias throughout Libya a year earlier.’…

Now stay with that for a minute. The United States government gave half a billion dollar in armaments to murderous al-Qaeda butchers who kill Christian children in Syria and Kenya in the name of Allah…

But this undoubted crime against humanity is not the first policy perversion this administration has committed…

2) Active collusion with the fanatical Islamofascist Muslim Brotherhood sect in overthrowing… Hosni Mubarak, who was literally told by Obama to resign, in public… No informed Egyptian doubts …Obama (i)s a ruthless enabler of an Islamofascist sect… [Mubarak] followed Anwar Sadat, the first heroic Arab leader to make peace with Israel, a peace that has now lasted for forty years. It is still the only formal peace agreement that has brought stability to the chronically unstable Middle East. Obama deliberately undermined Hosni Mubarak, and Bill Ayers was even reported to be agitating against Mubarak in collusion with the Hamas gang in Gaza…

3) …Hillary’s closest sidekick Huma Abedin comes from an MB family — everything comes down to family and tribe in the Arab world — and edited a Muslim Sisterhood magazine before her present role in the Hillary campaign. Huma was Hillary’s closest aide as Secretary of State, and therefore privy to numerous secrets. You can bet that Mohammed Morsi in Egypt knew all about the inner workings of Hillary’s State Department. Hillary was in charge during the Benghazi debacle. Just connect the dots…

4) …And now we can plainly see that Obama has actually enabled the mullahs’ rush to nuclear weapons. The fact that Valerie Jarrett was born in Khomeinist Iran and grew up in that kind of family is just another sign of radical Islamists penetration of this administration, at the very highest level.

5) …Today, contrary to Obama’s election time lies about Benghazi, al-Qaeda is expanding explosively in Africa and the Middle East. The Malaysian Airlines plane that somehow disappeared recently may well have carried a terrorist bomb…

In Egypt the Muslim Brotherhood actually won power with Obama’s active collusion… Today, Turkey, Jordan, Iraq, Syria, and Egypt are seeing huge civil conflict, precisely because of Obama’s idea of community organizing in the Middle East. This administration has made things worse, and at least 100,000 people have died as a result. Does the phrase “crime against humanity” ring any bells?

6) Obama’s closest “friend” in the Middle East is said to be Turkey’s increasingly dictatorial Recip Erdogan, who peddles another throwback ideology to the horrific past, called “neo-Ottomanism.” …Today the most famous crime of the late Ottomans is the Armenian Genocide, which Obama has failed to even call by its proper name: A planned mass murder of vast numbers of Armenian Christians by Djemal Pasha, solely because of their faith and ethnicity…

7) The NATO invasion of Libya was a clear violation of international law. When Mr. Obama was asked on TV about the need for Congressional approval of the Libyan invasion, he simply laughed. As the ACORN Manual puts it, in politics “only might is right.” (That was of course a Nazi slogan.)

NATO bombing in collusion with Libya’s al-Qaeda gangs destabilized the relatively sane regime of Muammar Gaddafi, who had actually surrendered his nuclear arms program to the Bush Administration. Bush and Cheney were desperate to reduce the spread of nuclear weapons and ICBMs to suicidal groups like the Iranians. Obama reversed that policy. He has actually enabled Iran’s nuclear program, and lately he openly surrendered to Iran in Geneva. The mullahs couldn’t stop laughing. Now the Saudis are now reported to be buying their own nukes and missiles, because they are fifty miles across the Gulf from Iran’s missiles. Obama has therefore actively enabled a nuclear arms race in the Gulf. The facts are clear…


There’s more. It MUST be read in it’s ENTIRETY.  SEVERAL TIMES and CONTEMPLATED if you are to be TRULY awake and informed. PLEASE.


Does Michelle Obama Listen to Herself?

By now, you’ve doubtlessly heard that Michelle Obama was booed at NASCAR.  Personally, I think the proper way to handle that would have been to just not clap.  Not clapping is a choice of omission – and the message is elegant in its silence.  Booing is a choice of co-misson, and no matter how you feel about Michelle Obama, she is The First Lady and and we do our system of representative government a disservice when we fail to confer a minimum of respect on the title she holds, even if we can’t stomach the woman holding it.  First ladies come and go, but we honor “first ladies” as a general principle; or at least we should.  Other countries paint murals of their leaders’ visages all over the countryside.  We fly flags.  It’s the office we revere, not the person.

Further, and at the risk of sound elitist (God help me), NASCAR isn’t The Boston Ballet, and I suspect the booing wasn’t so much a choice as an impulse. America is so tired of these people it seemed more reflex than rude-on-purpose.  Still, it shouldn’t have happened.  Our bad. NASCAR should send a note.  You invite someone to your “house” you’re not rude to them once they get there.  Thems is the rules of civilized society.

What’s been vastly underreported is the sanctimonious scolding she gave the crowd over how she’s going to lead the way in showing us how to show love to the military.  This, to a NASCAR crowd who, it could be argued, is more disposed to love of military than a Boston Ballet audience… or a Chicago radical…  Read it, and then I’ll comment below:

Obama and Biden also spoke at a barbecue for military families before the race.

“Everyone around the country is focused on you. And this isn’t just an effort today,” Obama said. “ Jill and I through Joining Forces, we want to make this a part of the dialogue in this country forever. Whether Jill or I are here or not, whether this administration is here or not, this is about the way we want this country to talk about our troops, veterans and military families forever. We want you to feel that appreciation and that gratitude so that you know your sacrifice is not in vain.”

She’s admonishing us to think nice thoughts about our men & women in uniform?


Quite apart from the implication, again, that she thinks we’re a bunch of pr*ck oppresors, she’s the one who “pals around with terrorist” Bill Ayers, who “wishes he did more” in the way of bombings – you know, the Pentagon – the military place????!!! He’s unrepentant.  He’s said, on the record, “Guilty as hell.  Free as a bird,” that he’s not rotting in prison by virtue of a technicality. He’s utterly, shamelessly, disgustingly unrepentant.  He’s hated military / police / “pigs” his whole life – to this day – and all through his close relationship with Barack and Michelle.  They’ve been thick as thieves with him since the 1980′s!  Barack launched his Chicago senate bid in his house, fercryingoutloud.  And he’s just one anti-military, America-hating violent scumbag friend.

Do you know anybody like this in your life?  Would you be friends with anyone like this?  Let your daughter date a member of the family?  I wouldn’t.  If they were remorseful, maybe.  But these people are soulless monsters.  His wife, Bernandine Dohrn squealed “Farrout” when she heard Manson’s hippies stuck a fork in just murdered Sharon Tate’s 8 1/2 month pregnant belly.  That’s from a wire service news story from United Press International.  Not some internet rumor.   And the Obamas saw nothing wrong in launching a political career in their house!  “Just a guy around the neighborhood?”  There’s not one other house in all of Chicago in which they could launch a political career?  Were all the banquet halls and Holiday Inns in Chicago booked that day?

She and her husband have been up to their eyeballs with anti-military radicals for 25 years and she wonders why she gets booed at NASCAR.

Do they just move their lips to whatever is in the teleprompter or does anyone, including the first lady, think about what they are saying?

THINK About This: Obama Would FAIL Background Check to Be on HIS OWN Secret Service Detail

Noel Sheppard at NewsBusters hits it out of the park, again.  From his story CNN Runs More Stories on Cain ‘Scandal’ in Six Days Than it Did Obama’s Ties to Ayers, Rezko and Wright Combined

‘… Combined (these) ‘scandals’ got roughly four reports a month from CNN.  By comparison, the so-called most trusted name in news has devoted almost 16 stories a day to as yet unproven sexual harassment allegations aimed at Cain.’

So let’s do the math on this, comparing, to borrow a phrase of my man Herman’s, ‘apples to apples’, okay?

4 x per month = 1x per week = 1x per day. (Let’s say.)

16x per day = CNN’s frequency rate on Herman Cain’s non-touching, non-naked, no-pictures, no-threats, no-names, no-specifics, totally anonymous allegations of supposedly doing something wrong in two public places, witnessed by people who won’t say what they supposedly saw even though they are not bound by any legal covenant not to — got it?

So…  CNN’s rate of frequency, for spewing ABSOLUTE BULLCR*P is:

SIXTEEN TIMES - 16x – that of the damning, verifiable, named FELONY SCUM Obama FREELY CHOSE TO ASSOCIATE WITH.

It’s SIXTEEN TIMES more important to spew INNUENDO on a man whose entire life SCREAMS integrity than to send a reporter – like they to did to Wasilla-frickin’-Alaska to investigate a person no longer in public office, where they turned up nothing, btw – to investigate people, who, if a member of the Secret Service had a known association, would disqualify them from their detail protecting the guy who does have these known associations – Got that?

THINK ABOUT THAT:  The guys who are charged with taking a BULLET FOR OBAMA have been BETTER VETTED THAN THE PRESIDENT.  

Secret Service CAN’T HAVE ANY KNOWN ASSOCIATIONS with people or organizations whose stated aim to do violence to the Republic…


Just Google Secret Service background check and navigate to their site, then have a look.  It’s thought-provoking to say the least.

Will Obama Kill his Flotilla Friends… TO IGNITE UNREST?

See this headline? (It’s from Infowars… but just go with me because the central point is verifiable, actual NEWS)

Washington Okays Attack on Unarmed U.S. Ship

What if Obama decided to heed Kill or be Killed and KILLED his FRIENDS as necessary collateral to get THEIR friends to riot and rip the sh*t out of our country & its social fabric, thus bringing to a head his grand vision for utopia through chaos?

Beck was right that he’s in very, very, very, VERY dangerous company. That contrary to their own bullsh*t propaganda it’s not a bunch of graying Tea Partiers he has to fear, it’s his own RADICAL FRIENDS with their gray ponytails, tenure, and all their 20-something dupes with copies of The Coming Insurrection in their clenched fists.

It’s not news to anyone with a pulse that Obama has P*SSED OFF EVERYONE, friend and foe alike… And I believe he’s exactly the right kind of broken inside to view a few corpses as an unfortunate but necessary speed-bump to get to the social justice promised land…