Horns’a Plenty

*snort*… Gosh, those (shadow-horns in the bunting above Barry’s head) are kinda hard to ignore, aren’t they? Even if you’re not into that kind of thing (which I’m not… really) Mr.-Styrofoam-Greek-Columns-Image-Is-Everything  missed this camera angle, didn’t he?

Or did he?  I don’t know.  I doubt it was on purpose, but gosh-golly… Look at ’em.

Obama's Eve of 9/11/2014 Speech

Obama’s Eve of 9/11/2014 Speech

Others noticed the flag pin on his lapel is crooked.  I’m only surprised it’s not upside down. Or absent.

It Was 20 Years Ago Today…

…Mike & I were married. If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn’t.


Not marrying Mike! Marrying on this date. Though, of course, we couldn’t possibly have known…

On our 8th anniversary we all sat, horrified, at the images on the t.v. On our 19th anniversary we all sat, horrified, at the images on the t.v. Last night, the world sat, horrified, at the images on the t.v. of the American president humiliating us yet again with his fumbling, bumbling, adolescent, ass-backwards foreign policy and world view.

Other than that, I’m feeling pretty darn good! It’s not possible to be more blessed than I am. I am the luckiest person I know. I was given the gift of parents who (having adopted me!) gave me the ability to follow my dreams; those dreams led me to a little one-horse town on San Francisco bay where one December morning in 1991 I met my future husband. Our first date we went out to dinner. Our second date, I cooked. I set the kitchen on fire, but let that go. He stayed… and never left. We call it the second date that got completely out of control. 22 years later, he’s still underfoot!

I adore my husband. He’s my best friend. We laugh every single day. I could not have asked for a better man. And that love gave us three of the best kids ever invented. Blessed, blessed, blessed.

I don’t know who God is. I don’t know by what name our Supreme Being should be called. I believe any path to that Light is good and proper (provided, of course, it doesn’t involve harm to others). But for lack of a better name, “God” is who I choose to call “him”, though I believe a good argument can be made that a Supreme Being is neither male nor female but a perfect blend of the best of both.

So Thank GOD for this day, for all the days past, and for any “he” deigns to issue forth. I couldn’t be happier.


I don’t know why I’m surprised.

I cry at commercials, hug the U.P.S. man, closed my eyes through most of Jurrassic Park fercryingoutloud.

So I’m a little tender, okay?

But I’ve been welling up since Friday morning. Going down to New York yesterday didn’t help matters – but in a backwards way, it sort of did. Though I audibly gasped at seeing an Army soldier in an American city standing there with a loaded machine gun, and was sickened that it had come to this, within seconds I found myself uttering, again, almost involuntarily after an audible gasp “Oh look! The Freedom Tower. And we’re gonna build a foot taller than the Trade Center just to spite ’em, the bastards…”

Probably not the word of choice for the ears of my 14, 12, and 12 year old daughters, but choking back the tears as I looked up at that beautiful new tower, still being built, I don’t think anyone minded.

And just as a bonus? Today is our 18th wedding anniversary.