Obama Admits He's Overmatched

Every time, and I mean, every single time Obama or his minions get in front of a camera and whine like over-trophied-student-body-president-momma’s-boys that those ‘mean’ House Republicans won’t play nice, he might as well hold up a sign that says


A smart opponent (Herman?  Herman?  Can you hear me?) would frame it this way using his own words, which are, in short, I ‘own the economy’, I was ‘focused relentlessly’ on the economy the first two years, and if it s*cks, it’s because I can’t convince those nasty House Republicans to play nice so I’m going to give up, circumvent Congress and be King.

What is he telling us by these declarations & actions?

OBAMA CAN’T LEAD MEN WHERE THEY DON’T WANT TO GO Therefore, UTTERLY UNQUALIFIED – a TEXTBOOK FAILURE in the biggest leadership job on planet earth.  

Look, any a**hole can lead a hungry guy to a cheeseburger – but what if he’s a vegetarian, isn’t hungry, and is afraid of the scary clown guy on the McLogo?  

If Obama wants to lead helpless people with no options, no opinions of their own, no ability to defend them even if they had them, and nowhere else to go, he should go back to community organizing.  

If he wants to do the hard work of building consensus and hammering out a deal with men who are comfortable in their own skin on the biggest stage in the world, HE’S FAILED AND SHOULD GO HOME BECAUSE HE’S ADMITTED AS MUCH.

I mean, for crying out loud.  His stupid jobs bill?  He keeps blaming Republicans, but the truth is, it was 2 or 3 DEMOCRATS who held him up!  

TWO OR THREE PEOPLE IN YOUR OWN PARTY – AND YOU CAN’T CONVINCE THEM?  You can’t call them into the Oval and hammer out a compromise?

What the hell kind of weenie – or tyrant – are we dealing with here?  Either way, it’s clear.   It’s time to go.