“The” Chickens Roosted!

Politico opined:

“President Barack Obama made a big gamble last January when he issued four recess appointments during a three-day break between meetings of the Senate — and with the court ruling Friday broadly undercutting his ability to make such appointments, he may have lost even bigger.”

That’s an understatement!

This ruling was the bitch-slap of all bitch-slaps. Not only did the court rule that Obama’s unprecedented pro-forma recess-not-recess appointments violate the Constitution, they went back and *gasp* read not only *gasp* the Constitution, but *double-gasp* The Federalist Papers! They ruled that not only were the intrasession pro-forma appointments unconstitutional, they ruled that all intrasession appointments are unconstitutional!  Intersession won the day and all because of one little word: “the”. (You can read more about “the” here.)

The White House, The New York Times, and all the usual suspects are in spasms, naturally.  The N.L.R.B., amazingly, and with the White House’s blessing, is blowing it off and continuing their work. And once again, the left is dusting off “Bush did it first!” like that matters. They hate the guy except when his bad behavior justifies theirs. Kindergarten!  Bush, and, in fact, a dozen Presidents have made intrasession appointments. For decades. But no President had ever made a pro-forma appointment. That was uniquely brazen (In addition to the brazen pro-forma part, these appointments hadn’t even been submitted for Senate review. They’d been sitting there. Obama didn’t even go through the motions of starting the Senate review process. Didn’t lift a finger. Didn’t even give the Senate a chance to say no: just blew right past ’em. It’s breath-taking.) But that’s not even the point. The point is, through a dozen Presidents, nobody ever called them on it.

Until yesterday.

Lefties (bless their hearts 🙂 ) will never  learn that just because it’s been done before and gotten away with doesn’t make it right!  Especially when the Constitution is the rule!

Of course, the bonus is, it was Harry Reid who birthed the pro-forma strategy to stop Bush from making “recess” appointments.  Harry & his evil minions got their chickens plucked but good with this one.

The ruling is a work of art, truly, for lovers of originalist interpretation.  You can read it below or here.

Noel Canning v. NLRB by

Hear Me Roar!

Mary Jo White

“At a short White House ceremony, President Obama named Mary Jo White, the first female United States attorney in Manhattan, to run the Securities and Exchange Commission. Mr. Obama also renominated Richard Cordray as the director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, a position he has held for the last year under a temporary recess appointment without Senate approval.”

I regard it as proper & healthy to be deeply skeptical of all of Obama’s appointments, but I confess to a certain charm in this one.  I read this passage (below) on the petite woman in red in the photo and I was had.  Utterly had:


“While former employees described her as ‘no nonsense,’ she was often spotted sipping a Bud Light at a weekly social gathering for junior prosecutors. And despite being barely 5 feet tall, she also was an exuberant point guard in a local lawyers’ basketball league, and once arrived at a tennis match on a red motorcycle, while Helen Reddy’s ‘I Am Woman’ blared loudly.”


My kind of woman!


Chick Thoughts

1. As regards Hillary’s (Benghazi, Libya, dead Ambassador +3) testimony on The Hill yesterday:  The sum total of her testimony was “I didn’t get the memo” which resulted in all progressives & all MSM hailing this as a slap-down of those meanie GOP who questioned her. There were only 2 or 3 GOP who did an even half-way decent job of it, out of some 5 1/2 hours, which was distressing enough, but to hear the liberal media tell it, obfuscating and criminal negligence are praise-worthy talents. (And flat-out lying. She flat-out lied at least three times I counted.  Just flat-out LIED.) I can only imagine if the exact same series of events took place under George W. Bush and Condoleeza Rice. I’m guessing “I didn’t get the memo” wouldn’t fly…


2. As regards women in foxholes:  I used to sleep easy at night that none of my children would be drafted, as I have no sons… So much for that.  Panetta, on his way out, overturned that policy so now women can fight on the front lines.  I’ve always thought that if a woman CHOSE to, and her COMMANDER thought it was a good idea, she should be allowed to do it; but as a one-size-fits-all policy, NO.  Men and women ARE different and no matter how much you may want to make that not so, IT’S NOT SO.  That’s not to say they are not EQUAL:  Just DIFFERENT.  Again, if, in certain circumstances, you have a squad member who is uniquely suited to that work whose Commander (likely knowing what his troops think) thinks its workable, FINE.  But this cookie-cutter-we’re-all-equal-progressive-social-engineering-in-foxholes ain’t the way.

The Caliber of Your Welcome Mat

(See UPDATE below!)

Gun Free Zone




It’s soooooo predictable.  I mean… Every damned time.  E-v-e-r-y   s-i-n-g-l-e   s-t-i-n-k-i-n-g  d-a-m-n-e-d   t-i-m-e the very people the do-gooders doo-doo their good-on get doo’d-doo’d on.  (Or to quote our faux intellectual President who couldn’t string together a single elegantly wrought sentence if his life depended on it:  “wee-wee’d up”).

Even liberals who are anti-gun are protesting the stupid gun-owner map this little rag suburban NY paper put up on the ‘net.  Know why?  Because the NON-gun owners are now targeted as being unprotected. Included in this population are the wives & children of prison guards who are now being threatened with harm while their husbands are at work (thugs talk, even in prison, with their thug buddies on the outside – duh). Also threatened are women hiding from abusive husbands. They also are now outed as NOT having arms, thus ripe for a fresh beating – or killing.  The list of innocents now targeted for harm is long and the crooks are openly thanking the paper for doing it.
Way to go.
I left the comment below at NYT this morning. I can’t believe they published it. (UPDATE:  Judging from some of the replies posted to it, the sarcasm was utterly lost on them, both NYT readers & NYT comment editors alike. Oy.) Or maybe they’re just trying to save their own jobs if their own paper does something equally as felony stupid.

.NYT Comment on gun map


BTW: Judge Napolitano gives the best explanation of why this is wrong I’ve yet heard here.


UPDATE, SAT JAN 12: Hah!  Seems someone else had the same idea and outed these morons: “Journalists REJECT Personal ‘Gun-Free’ Zone Signs”!

James O'Keefe, WND, Gun-Free Zone Signs, Journalists Reject